My Blog

Welcome to my page!!!...This should be entertaining :) What a better place for me to ramble on and on about things! I don't know why I didn't do this sooner. I'm so glad that I finally get to be Hot Donna for something :P

Sunday, July 31, 2011

I like walking in rain.

Today, I was looking at old 90s music videos and I realized how lame some of them are. I was looking at a bunch of boy bands videos. The videos didn't even have a story, all they did was sing there song and then dance around in different locations. It was like "hey we are attractive and we know it. We are so confident in our good looks that we aren't going to be creative and have a plot for our music videos, we will just stand around and dance in front of different things."  It was pretty hilarious though. 

As I age I look more and more at my childhood and at how different it was then. I mean nowadays kids are just getting cell phones out of the womb. Me, I had to wait until I was 16! Goodness and if you are a blessed (yes i said Blessed) kid to have to wait for your cell phone, you sit and complain about how you don't have one. Man kids these days ;)
It is the last week of camp and I am ready for it to be done. I miss school (crazy, I know). I'm ready to be responsible for only myself. It shall be a great feeling I am sure.
I kinda want to get into yoga. I will have to take a class on it. I want to at least try it, I think it would be a blast :) 

Tell me a Harry Potter pickup line
-Hot Donna

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