My Blog

Welcome to my page!!!...This should be entertaining :) What a better place for me to ramble on and on about things! I don't know why I didn't do this sooner. I'm so glad that I finally get to be Hot Donna for something :P

Sunday, October 9, 2011

They don't serve breakfast in hell.

I am so glad that it is fall breather.

Everyone was in need of this break. All of the people I have talked to recently really needed this break. It's funny because I'm pretty sure that I have enough homework to do to keep me busy during this "break time" It's almost like I don't really get one haha.

I don't really think anybody reads this blog anymore... I almost thought of getting rid of it and starting over...but that would probably be silly. Maybe I just don't have passionate thoughts to talk about on here anymore...who knows.

tumblr......WOAH I didn't think you would be able to say that word on here :P because it's like the enemy blog. How do these blogs make money? I bet there are some weird features somewhere that you pay for. I just don't know about them. ha. Maybe I should monetize my blog....not that it sees a lot of traffic. You never know.

So. I am lame. And my birthday is coming up. And every year I try not to get excited about it just to see if people remember when it is....But I always fail haha. It's just because I'm really excited about it. haha I always look forward to that day :) Sadly, this 21 is on a Tuesday...and I have night class that day :( LAME! Oh well.

-Hot Donna


  1. You need to write more often if you want people to keep reading!

  2. I read your blog please keep it!
