My Blog

Welcome to my page!!!...This should be entertaining :) What a better place for me to ramble on and on about things! I don't know why I didn't do this sooner. I'm so glad that I finally get to be Hot Donna for something :P

Thursday, March 24, 2011

You can have the portkey to my heart

One thing I love about Photography class, is that we watch all these random documentaries. Honestly, I don't think anyone actually pays attention...well besides Sarah, but I think that's just because she's photojournalism major :P

You ever think about those people who "joking" make fun of you and put you down and make you feel guilty? Well I have been thinking about that kind of thing lately and I wonder why they do that. Do they just like to hurt people? I have a problem believing that because I think everyone has some good in them and care a little bit if people are hurting. Or the cliche "they are hurting deep down" I buy that one a little bit more because it sounds logical. But are there people who don't fall into either catagory? Like maybe they don't realize they are hurting people, or they are trying to push everyone away.
I always feel bad when the professors are having a bad day, because they look unprepared when in reality everything is just going wrong. 

So I have a fever... I literally am HOT donna. well my body temp anyway. Personally I feel so freezing, but I know that I have to wear almost no clothing so I don't burn up. "I'm burning up, burning up....for you baby..." This whole fever thing does not make me happy. My legs are weak and I can barely walk...but HEY at least I've got ....great hair? haha I don't know what to say there, it was just the first thing that came into mind.
I've been itching to play my guitar lately, and today I finally set aside some time to play tonight. I realized how much I like to play when nobody is around. What I would give to have an afternoon of uninterrupted guitar playing time. It would be fabulous. I promised a friend of mine I would learn this song; so that is my current project. I'm really excited. 
Stay Sweet.
-HOT Donna.

1 comment:

  1. LOL! I look around and every single person is playing bejewled on facebook or something and I'm like "how can you not find this fascinating!?"
