Letter for Whoever.
Dear you,
Hey you are pretty great if you are reading this. Honestly, I love you a lot. Don't forget. Ever.
I'm writing this because I needed a place to short my thoughts. It's easier for me to type this out than to write it.
Anyway my friend really really loves his gal, how do I know, you ask? Well, I can see that he is really troubled by the fact that he can't be there for her. That's a real man. Someone who puts his lady first, someone who puts everyone before himself. I strive to be like that. Totally willing to put everyone's needs before my own.
I guess being a man isn't like what everyone says it's about. It's not about having people making you sandwiches. It's about offering to cook once and a while. And it's not how many sports facts you can rattle off, but if you remember an anniversary. It's not "what can you do for me,woman", it's "how can I help you?"
Maybe I've finally figured out what being a guy is all about. It might not be every guys mindset, but hey I think eventually ,hopefully, everyone comes to this point. Deep down I think everyone wants to do this, find one person who they want to totally bend over backward for.
I think we all can learn a great lesson about love from this story. If we truly care about the ones we love, we would make sure that we put them first. It goes both ways, if both people are doing this...and genuinely want too....then it's beautiful.
May be beginning to understand
-Hot Donna
So beautiful. So true. And a reflection of His love for us. :)