My Blog

Welcome to my page!!!...This should be entertaining :) What a better place for me to ramble on and on about things! I don't know why I didn't do this sooner. I'm so glad that I finally get to be Hot Donna for something :P

Thursday, September 22, 2011

It means no worries!

I have an odd thrill of typing out blogs while I am in class.

Anyway something that I have noticed a lot of lately is that professors are always telling us to be prepare and this is due on this day and blah blah. But Then I feel like every other day they are unprepared. Not that it's a bad thing, I just find it super hilarious that they are constantly telling us to be on top of it, but it's OK when they aren't.

Like the camera check out. They stressed and stressed that they wanted us to be on time to return our cameras. That's fine and all, I get it. Be on time so other people can get theirs. But when they guy that checks them out isn't even on time? I don't know. It just seems lame.
I'm so excited for tonight. I am going to the Lion King, at the movie theater! I get to be a little kid, with my best friend. :D So it's going to be a great time. Haha I'm kinda a nerd.  The Lion King is one of my favorite movies, so I have been looking forward to this for a long time. I was hoping that it would come out on DVD again so I could buy it, but I guess seeing it in theaters will have to do.
I don't really know much more than this. I could talk about how I love baseball....but I seem to do that more than I really should.  :)

Hakuna Matata
-Hot Donna

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