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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

English class inspiration

Do you ever think that people complicate love?    I mean like the movies and TV tell us about all the drama that has to come with being in love. And we fall right into that, Oh no! Now because I have said that I feel this way we are forced to do grand gestures of love.

hmmmm I was thinking about this in the middle of my English class today. Prof was talking about how you can't see the word "love" like you can see a "desk"....but if you see two people holding hands, that's love. Like people know they care for one another. (I hope this makes sense)

This blew my mind.

Could it really be so simple? Why does it become so complicated?

It reminds me of when they ask little kids what they thing love is and they say cute things. What a different world it would be if we all thought like kids.

-Hot Donna

1 comment:

  1. I think this is probably what your Professor was trying to say. I've sort of said it before once. People take love in different ways. A desk is a desk and yet love can come in all sorts of ways. For example, you love your parents, which is a different kind of love from loving a sport or even loving a toy that you have had since you were little. People seem to throw around the word love to the point that it sometimes has no meaning.

    You say you love your best friends, which is also a different type of love for someone. You can love your children, you love your wife/husband or even boyfriend but those are all different types of love. Its not like you can throw around the word desk and it has several different views/meanings or what not.

    I might be wrong, but that is sort of what I got just from what you said your Professor was talking about. It is a good question to think about though. People probably do complicate love and it does get difficult. Seeing how the media today is all about love stories or just horror stories. It seems like if people stepped back and looked at the bigger pictures we wouldn't have to make anything complicated. It shouldn't be as complicated as people make it out to be.

