My Blog

Welcome to my page!!!...This should be entertaining :) What a better place for me to ramble on and on about things! I don't know why I didn't do this sooner. I'm so glad that I finally get to be Hot Donna for something :P

Saturday, April 7, 2012


So here is my "I'm pissed" moment of the day.

I have been working on this poster for my event planning class.  I showed all my group members, they said it was good. Nope guess not... just got an email from my group mates. and it was a different poster.

I have never felt so slapped in the face.

Why did I waste all that time doing that if you weren't going to use it anyway. The worst part of it all is, the new one does look nice. the text is better organized. It's like he took all my ideas and then screwed me over. Everyone is stupid.

Maybe I am in the wrong major.  huh. well I guess I'll just have to work my way up at justice. Life of a "I'm not good at anything" student.  It sucks.

Must look at more ads i guess.


1 comment:

  1. Jana,

    You are good at making me smile.
    Good at making me and others think. And think about things that matter. Down to earth things. You bring people down to earth, and I like that about you.

    You are good at making me and others laugh, as well as good at laughing! You are funny! ... And honestly, the ability to get through life with a smile and a laugh is a gift. Yes, we all complain, but I think overall you are a very positive person. Your positivity is truly very helpful and encouraging to me, and I'm sure to others too.

    You are good at getting the job done. At stepping up, taking charge, actually doing things. Most of us are NOT good at or able to do that!!! And are truly thankful for someone who is.

    You are entertaining.

    Social. Someone who makes others feel good and feel comfortable. Again, most of us do not have that gift.

    You are super talented at the guitar, at leading worship and leading kids in worship. At singing!

    At dancing!

    At coming up with new ideas.

    At being unique.

    Being YOU and being OKAY WITH IT. ... Again that is a HUGE gift. Inspiring, encouraging, and helpful and comforting to others.

    If I try to think of anything you're not good at, I can't think of anything.

    I'm pretty sure I haven't even listed almost everything and haven't listed a million obvious things, but these were just some things that came to mind.

    My guess is your original poster was awesome. Jana, making posters, cutting out things, making stuff like that look good is something I am HORRIBLE at. It's truly pathetic. I take hours on end and the finished product is horrible, appearing like a 5-year-old or younger made it. My guess is you are far more gifted at EVERY thing than you think you are.

    I do not think you are in the wrong major. Your excitement about and love for your major and your classes has been something I truly admire. The most important thing is doing whatever things you love and are passionate about. Don't let anyone stop you from doing those things.

    I love you Jana.

    And I apologize that this is so long... but ha, I could've gone on way longer. :)
    You are truly someone I look up to.
