My Blog

Welcome to my page!!!...This should be entertaining :) What a better place for me to ramble on and on about things! I don't know why I didn't do this sooner. I'm so glad that I finally get to be Hot Donna for something :P

Monday, May 9, 2011

I know somewhere, somehow we'll be together

Note: In my last blog I was not making fun of anyone's blog. I was trying to get a point across that sterotyping blogs is lame and mean. Feel free to blog about whatever makes you happy. I am all for it.
 I'm sitting in the computer lab in Floria Frick...(Yes there are classes there) and some guy walks out and greets what sounds like an old friend... Then I realize that he said professor before the name, wow. How great is that? Being so friendly with professors is probably a good idea. I know when I was in the theatre department it seemed like the professors were really close with the students....well except me obviously ha.

I wonder what the theatre program is like at other schools. Do the directors have dinner regularly at a few students houses? Is there such favoritism? Do people only focus on the "few who they think want it the most." I wonder if there is a place anywhere that actually works with everyone, and gives everyone a shot. That surely doesn't happen everywhere.

This oddly reminds me of working with kids. One thing I feel that was stressed was "Don't favor any children even if you want to." I've been very blessed in my adventures with different kinds of kids. You favor some of them and you miss out on the awesomeness of the other kids. I think that is the same everywhere. You only let certain people lead your show, you will miss out on variety a different person brings.
I feel like college is a weird stage of life. People are trying to figure out who they are, who they want to be, and if they are OK with others defining them. I have heard of people who come to get there MRS degree. ha I really enjoy that saying. My mom told me that one. Some people are here to party, well hey that's cool. I feel like it's a really expensive party. Most are here to gain more knowledge so they can actually get a job in our declining economy. 

I lose sight of that sometimes. I forget that I am here for school. I get caught up in the friendships or all the shiny free things they give away. It's hard to balance all of that. School, work, friends, it's tough. I blame my inability to keep relationships on my over-thinking and my expecting the worst. I wonder if it's maybe my fear of the future. Scared of the unknown. Scared that people won't be there, maybe that's the real reason for my being sad at the end of semesters.

I know it's completely lame to think that way, because we always talk about how much we care about each other and want to be friends forever. "It's about enjoying now, because if they are meant to be in the future they will be...."    That just doesn't sit well with me I guess. I like knowing.

Do you think people who are introverted are that way because they think there is less hurt that way? Nobody to betray you or break your heart? Nobody that you really need to please because honestly there aren't very many people in your life to begin with. 

Maybe it's just a matter of depending on the right people, and not trusting everyone you meet with your deepest thoughts.

Guard your heart, for it affects everything you do.
-Hot Donna


  1. Sometimes I think people expect the worst because most of the time they have been let down by the ones they care about. If that shakes your confidence it is hard to feel secure in relationships. Friends we make in college are said to be the best we will have in life. I would hope we would be friends for life but life happens and people move away for jobs, get married. That especially changes relationships. I plan to enjoy the people in my life never know what road may lead us down.

  2. You are here for school yes. But you are not here just for classes. Don't think that's the real reason you're here. You are here to learn, yes, but you are learning WAY more out side of your classes than inside.

    But, as you said, it's hard to balance everything.
