My Blog

Welcome to my page!!!...This should be entertaining :) What a better place for me to ramble on and on about things! I don't know why I didn't do this sooner. I'm so glad that I finally get to be Hot Donna for something :P

Friday, May 13, 2011

Please keep your heart, lock it tightly away

So blogger has been down the last couple of days which has really taken a toll on me haha. I can think of three times where I wanted to write a blog and it wouldn't let me on here. It was sad. 

I still have no computer, it's really hard not having one. Luckily, my roommate is awesome and is letting me borrow her tv for a week. That will help with the boredom. I hate having to ask people to let me use their computer all the time, I feel really lame when I have to do that. 
This is my list of why it is harder to be a girl:
* Childbirth. ( I don't think I need to explain)
* Gift Every Month (Sorry boys, getting it out of the way on my list)
* Girl drama and you can't punch each other to deal with it
* Grudges held because of that drama
* We have to sit down to go to the bathroom
* We have to guess at our pant size when we go to a different store, it's not our measurements.
* Less roles for us in plays
* Harder for us to get hired at camps (they are always looking for guys...)
* We actually have to style our hair in the morning
* Cry. All. The. Time.
* Just super moody in general.....
* just wanting to be loved...(OK. So i understand that guys might feel this way as well, but I just feel like girls are more vulnerable about this...again I've never been a guy. I don't know)
* Double standards
* wearing heart on sleeve.
* waiting
* much more...
I HATE waiting to find out what the plan is....seriously, wouldn't life be a lot easier if we just knew? Everyone always tells me the same thing, "wait because the plan is perfect and it will be worth the wait." Blah, I guess I buy that but that doesn't mean I'm OK with blindly living my life and never knowing what will happen. Think of how much time we would save. Well, I would anyway. I definitely would have saved all that time thinking about people that weren't going to be important later in life. What could I have done with that time? Or all the time worrying about switching my major and if it was the right choice. 

Waiting is tough. 
-Hot Donna


  1. Waiting is super super super tough. :(

    ... But it's a huge part of faith.

  2. Guys can hold grudges too. There are problems that come along with standing up while going to the bathroom (A few drops almost always leak out into the pants). Our pants sizes also vary depending on the store, as do shirts and shoes. You can always leave your hair a mess. We have to deal with double standards too (You're fortunate enough to be allowed to show emotions other than anger without your sexuality being questioned). And, I would say that walking around with the 2 most sensitive things on your body between two of the strongest muscles on said body could be a fair trade-off for the monthly present. There's more and I'd be willing to share sometime if you'd like.
    Being a guy isn't all it's cracked up to be either.
    Sorry if my retort was a little gross.
