My Blog

Welcome to my page!!!...This should be entertaining :) What a better place for me to ramble on and on about things! I don't know why I didn't do this sooner. I'm so glad that I finally get to be Hot Donna for something :P

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

So together, but so broken up inside

I'm Hungry.

So today I checked in my laptop at the I.T. help desk at the library. This is going to make for an interesting week next week. My roommates are leaving and taking all of there things (obviously) So in my apartment I will sit, with my bed. No TV, No computer. Nothing, maybe I will just sit outside and Knit. All day. Everyday :)

I have found that knitting really is more of a winter activity. I know it's really shocking haha.  Who would have thought that people normally knit in the winter? I actually learned to knit in the summer, at camp :) I like camp.

My parents never let me go to camp as a child. My dad always said he had a "bad camp experience" and would never let my sister and I go until we were like in 10th grade. I still had to beg to go haha. It was really weird. Still to this day we would ask pop what his experience was and he won't tell :(

So my friends are crazy and we love to go do this wonderful activity called blotting. I'm sworn to secrecy so I can't say much more than it's a crazy good time. It's oddly turned into a weird initiation. Haha I think people just love to watch others struggle with not knowing. 
Today I was sitting at the fountain, just hanging out crying. I saw this father and daughter. It was the cutest thing, I don't know what is it about father-daughter sightings but I just eat them up. I know that this is pretty lame and something that only I appreciate, but the little girl was sitting on the bench looking at the fountain and she was just swinging her little legs because her legs couldn't touch the ground. :) It was so adorable. And they walked away holding hands. Awesome. I want someone to hold my hand. I don't know how many times I can say that it was awesome, but again, it was a wonderful sight.

Lock that box quickly  Don't ever let go
-Hot Donna


  1. I hope your laptop gets fixed quickly! Also, I missed out on blotting! :( I'm sad about that one. Hope you dont go insane just sitting in your apartment Banana! :P Miss you!

  2. I love it when you share all these beautiful sights involving little girls with their dads.

    They give me a tiny glimpse of what our relationship with Jesus will be like in Heaven. :)
