My Blog

Welcome to my page!!!...This should be entertaining :) What a better place for me to ramble on and on about things! I don't know why I didn't do this sooner. I'm so glad that I finally get to be Hot Donna for something :P

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Everyone so elegant, it made me feel so plain

Apparently its the "online thing" to fill out these tag things. All the "in" people are doing it. At least that is what Chelsea says, so I suppose that I am going to do this survey below.  Because I trust her opinion when it comes to this online stuff, I figured it was appropriate to do it.

1. Name a book you would take on a long flight? Well I suppose it would have to be Harry Potter and the deathly hallows. Fabulous book, and it's the book out of the series that I have read the least, so I think it makes sense to do.

2. What is your guilty pleasure? Katy Perry, her music. I know that I will be shunned for this, but I like it, it's fun and carefree. Some of it is inspiring as well. But yes her music is my guilty pleasure :P

3. Name three characters from any book, you wish you could be friends with? Ron, Harry and Hermione. I am a person who loves adventures, and I think these three definitely have their share of adventure.

4. What's your shoes size? Size big AKA size 9

5. If you could write your own book, name the title, and a brief synopsis. "Man I want to play C.O.D." This is a story of an average American girl, who loves playing call of duty. It's the classic tale of a nerdy girl, who admits that she is a nerd and plays COD all day long. Then she wins a contest where she can steal all of the money of one baseball team......Wonder which team she will choose? Read the book.

6. What's your favorite flavor of ice cream. Mint Chocolate Chip

7. What book are you currently reading? Well I just read Alice in Wonderland.

8. What room do you film your YouTube videos? About that....I haven't.

9. Best YA series you've ever read? Chelsea....I don't know what this means

10. What is your best physical attribute? Eyes. :) Check 'em out.

11. Do you like manga or comics, if so name your favourite series? I always like reading the comics in the paper

12. Do you sleep on your side or your stomach? Well this is kinda scandalous, on my side.

13. Favorite book mark? hmmm It's a bookmark I found at camp. It is this jelly bean prayer, and it talks about different jelly beans and how they relate to our lives...very cool.

14. What song are you currently listening in your Ipod? Cover your eyes by Children 18:3

15. Worst summer job you've ever had? Working at a grocery store (Note: it wasn't terrible. All my other summer jobs were better)

16. What's your favorite band, or type of music? I love upbeat music. Basically if it's fast, and has a good sound I dig it. Slower stuff is good at times, but not all the time.

Hey today you look fabulous!
-Hot Donna

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