My Blog

Welcome to my page!!!...This should be entertaining :) What a better place for me to ramble on and on about things! I don't know why I didn't do this sooner. I'm so glad that I finally get to be Hot Donna for something :P

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The trees have all begun the dance Elated by a second chance.

We pay big money to go to college right? And we are forced to pay all of these fees and junk for things like technology, the wellness center, and environment fee, which I have never understood. Good, I'm glad we pay that crap so that I can go work out. When I've got a huge presentation in two days and the printer doesn't work in the lab two days in a row, that just makes me angry. I mean I am paying all this money to go to school here, the least you could do is make sure your equipment works.
Last night I watch this movie called Burlesque. (SPOILER) In the movie there is this guy who is engaged and then he meets the main character, and predictably falls for her. OK so something happens with this fiance and they are done, not even two mins later he is going after the main character....Is this normal? Isn't there some kind of "down time" where you have to be single. And as for the girl he was running to, wouldn't she want him to wait a bit too? I just don't understand, and I think it's a little sketchy.

I get that it's just a movie, but still, do people do this in real life? Shouldn't there be more of a "I'm sad this person is out of my life now" especially if you were going to marry this person.
No more romance movies for me, just give me a horror movie. I just can't handle it. It's kind of embarrassing actually, oh well, I will deal. I feel like it is time to watch a good horror movie. haha My favorite horror movie ever is definitely "My Super Psycho Sweet 16," it's so bad, it's good. I recommend it to everyone reading this.  

This is my favorite part of the movie. Enjoy.

Like a headless chicken

-Hot Donna

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