I had the weirdest dream last night, it was all the people who were voted out of survivor and me. It started out kind of like a video game where I was trying to collect all these things in my bag, and beat this "boss". Then all of the sudden I was captured by this evil king who was trying to pass down his kingdom to his youngest son. This was a big no no because it needed to be passed down to the oldest son, but he was trying to cheat the system.
ANYWAY. We were trying to fly back to America, but these mean men captured us and then were basically saying we were going to die. They put us in this special room on the plane,which was weird because the seats were non-existent and we have to use these flaps in the floor when the plane was taking off and stuff. Anyway, as we were flying in the air, super cute older prince was trying to save us from his father. He was sneaking us instructions on how to get rid of the bomb implanted in this dummy thing used to communicate with us. It was pretty scary, we also had to answer all these random questions about ourselves so they could decide which one of us they wanted to save... Weird.
I am going to the circus today. I am SO excited :) I haven't been to the circus in like ten years, so this is long past due.
Something that has always bothered me. People that are jerks. I know what you're thinking. "obviously people that are jerks bother you." I have written about it before. WHY? why the sick thrill of making someone fill bad about themselves. I like to think there is good in everyone. That everyone cares a little bit if a dog gets run over or something. Maybe I just live in my own little world where nobody purposely pisses anyone off. Whatever.
Creepy men at walmart scare me. Ex specially when it's 11 at night, and he wants me to give him and his buddy a ride somewhere. ummm NO! I'm sorry, but not when I'm a 20 year old female and your a 200 pound man..plus you have a friend. Sketch.
Don't let a stranger in your car
-Hot Donna
Creepy walmart guy is creepy...