My Blog

Welcome to my page!!!...This should be entertaining :) What a better place for me to ramble on and on about things! I don't know why I didn't do this sooner. I'm so glad that I finally get to be Hot Donna for something :P

Sunday, February 20, 2011

I'm Still Here

Howdy Y'all.

This weekend I did absolutely nothing productive haha. Wait I washed my clothes..YAY clean shirts.
Other than that, just a lot of bumming around and watching DVDs.

I have been doing a lot of random thinking. Something I have wondered is what is the appropriate time to text someone? Like, if you text them past a certain time does this mean anything? It's got too, it's kinda like "I am thinking about you at this hour, and decided to kind of let you know by texting you." Weirdness. I heard once that if you are texting someone for notes you should do it during "business hours" because if you text them at noon and say "hey lets meet up so I can grab the entirely different then say at like midnight texting someone that...Interesting thought. I don't remember where I heard this...I also messed up the wording a bit I am sure.

Jealousy is a terrible thing. You know? Honestly it is. It turns you into a crazy freak. I speak from experience I suppose haha. I hate it. Unfortunately I seem to become jealous of things very easily. It's sad, I am trying to get over this. yes, I am jealous.

Why are people flattered if you are jealous of something. I have always wondered.... For example, hey I'm jealous of this shirt you have....Then the owner of the shirt gets an odd sense of pleasure that they have something you want? Why? I feel it's really weird.

I have accepted that it is in my nature to freak out about things. I hate this. All girls do it, I know, but why? It is because we feel vulnerable? So it has to do with being self conscious? but why? Maybe it's our need to never have anyone be upset with us. This becomes so overwhelming that you then apologize so much that people feel it starts to lose it's meaning? I'll never understand. If you are always sorry, people feel your not sincere. But if you are never sorry, people think you are a stuck up snob? Where is the middle? Is there a middle?

Things to think about.

Green with envy,
Hot Donna.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I hope your face is as pretty as your voice sounds.

This quote was on someones facebook, but I really liked it because I think it's very thought provoking.
My Pride Said; "it's impossible" My Experience Said; "It's risky" But My Heart Whispered; "Give it a try"
I really like this because how often do we hold ourselves back from things we want to do because we are scared of what might happen, or because we don't want to look like fools? It's really sad to think about, how much have I missed out on because I was to prideful, or thought it was too risky? I think it's important to note that your heart is whispering, because I think we forget to listen to our "hearts." We just come up with excuses to not listen. 
Man, this is what I needed to hear.
So the other day in class, I realized something. I hate having a last name toward the end of the alphabet. Let me tell you why. Not only do you have to pay attention longer so you don't miss your name, BUT the evil people at the beginning of the list start talking and then you can't hear anything. Teachers seem to think that they can talk as softly as they want too. I am hear to say SPEAK UP! I can't hear you say my last name because Anderson and Beach decided they can talk about their boyfriends hair while you are calling roll.
I laugh at little children. I guess I forgot how elem school life was, but I am now realizing that this idea of "love" hasn't just became an obsession for girls in college. We have been dealing with this subject ever since grade school. Talking about how "joey likes sandy" and "jenny likes him and him." Forget cooties, I think that was just an excuse to talk to boys. There is nothing more adorable then two little kids flirting. (chasing each other)
Stay Sweet.
-Hot Donna

Thursday, February 10, 2011

It's astounding....Time is fleeting

Doubt holds you landlocked in paralysis unable to move either way. The time you spent doubting is the time you are not alive. So, rid yourself of the doubt, take that step one way or another, your heart knows what is best, but take it right now.

WOW talk about just what I need to here. I try to avoid talking about feelings on this, but this is just so great. I tend to overthink everything, and question everything. It has been overtaking my thoughts and preventing me from doing lots of things. I just wanted to share this because it's a good thought and can benefit us all.

So I'm currently in class...Yes I know I am a rebel. We are watching some movie about some photographer who did something and had fun.   It's rather boring, I am writing this in an attempt to keep myself awake. I feel kind of bad though, because a majority of people are on their computers. I think professors know this stuff is boring, but they just don't want to come up with anything to talk about so they pop in a movie and tell us that it's going to be on some test...LAME! 

The best thing happened! I was walking to my car yesterday and I heard a booming bass from some guys car. I was thinking "oh that guy is so cool with his music so loud." As I approached I realized that it was Savage Garden!! That dude instantly had my respect. I started singing along as I walked to my car, I almost waited until the song was over to get inside.....but it is freezing outside.

I'm so happy that it is suppose to get warmer. I need to spend some time outside. I wandered around for a while last night, but it was super cold. I'm conflicted though, because I really don't want to deal with a flood when all the snow melts. 

I really like skittles, they are super tasty.

Survivor starts in a week!!! I'm so pumped. I love this show, and am very happy for the show to be back on. My only show, I have already reserved the TV at my place. hahahaha SO PUMPED!

Hey, let's watch Rocky Horror Soon.
-Hot Donna.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

And I'm free, free fallin'

Lately, I have been discovering a lot of words that I enjoy. Like pamphlet, lips, capsule, pompous, pickle, and many others.

So today for the rest of the day. I have decided to try and use the word "lips" in normal conversation as much as possible. I know that it is completely crazy to do, but I think I can do it. :)

I want a pillow pet, every time I go to walmart I see these stuff animals and then gush over them. Then I tell whoever I'm with that I want a Pillow Pet so badly. They are adorable...I want to find a giraffe pillow pet. My favorite.

Something I randomly thought about: when you get invited to events on facebook do you ever wait to respond to see who is going to be attending? Or maybe you wait because you don't want to be the first person to say you are going...  I could be the only oddball that thinks about stuff like this. I am a little ashamed to say that I do this. hmm I don't know why I do that though.

Speed dating is the weirdest thing ever. I can say this because I have gone. I feel like there is no point to it, because honestly what you learn about people in the two minutes you are talking is not enough to find out if you actually want to be with them. You just find out who is good at making conversations. It is super awkward if the person you are talking to is quiet.

READ MY LIPS! I love rediscovering music :)

Monster Jam.
WONDERFUL!!!  So loud though, I was happy I bought ear plugs w00t.
I wish one of them had flipped over though, that was a little disappointing. But I was super proud because there were female drivers...I thought this was the coolest thing ever! There was a married couple that raced, and the wife won! I was super happy at this event. Whoever said women can't drive, they are mistaken.

Also I am from NORTH DAKOTA! It's a real place, and they have lips there.
-Hot Donna.