My Blog

Welcome to my page!!!...This should be entertaining :) What a better place for me to ramble on and on about things! I don't know why I didn't do this sooner. I'm so glad that I finally get to be Hot Donna for something :P

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

more daily Challenge

Four of your favorite memories.

1. Definitely when Dad and I were butterfly catching when I was little. We were in the backyard of our old house and it was nice. My long hair was flowing in the wind. It was great, warm, summertime.

2. Graduation. I wanted to leave that tortuous place. I was so happy to get out. Plus my closing speech was THE BOMB and left everyone laughing.

3. Here is something lame. First time at target field. It's so lovely there. PLUS the Twins actually won that day :D (obviously, it was because they knew i was there)

4. the first time I went blotting was pretty special. I can't tell you what it is....You will just have to come along next time :P

-Hot Donna

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

yay for daily Challenge

Three of your favorite songs ever

Be My Escape - Relient K

Man in the Mirror- Michael Jackson


And this is really tough. I love so much music.... But this is definitely a good one :D

Cover Your Eyes- Children 18:3

Monday, November 28, 2011

Long live the King

Today's Challenge question is 2 people you want to be with right now.

WELL I must say Andi W is one for sure. She started to chat with me on FB this morning and then I had to go to class. I haven't seen this girl in a long time, and she is so awesome. She's nice, and has a true heart for the Lord. I admire her a lot. I wish we spent more time together.

Another Person is Hannah from camp. I like her because she does messed up things, just like me. She is very chill and calming. She doesn't judge, and I appreciate that. We have a good time together.

Both of these women are lovely ladies. I am blessed they are in my life.
-Hot Donna

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Edge of Glory

I just like doing these challenge's hahahaha. 

Anyway today's question is one thing you want right now.

For all of my homework to be done. If it was all done then I could just coast through the next two weeks. But, alas....that will not happen. But that is something i want... Also. I wish I had better thing to drink here haha. I don't want to drink all my juice and I'm getting sick of water.  


haha I know my life isn't really that hard.
-Hot Donna

Saturday, November 26, 2011

i just can't stop loving you

So I guess it's just a matter of time before there is lots of snow everywhere.  I don't really mind snow, sometimes when it is gently falling, it's kinda pretty. What I don't like about winter is Ice all over the road. it makes lots of people really terrible drivers.
I love Michael Jackson. I know that I talk about this often, but I'm watching "this is it" his movie about his concert that never happened because he died. It's so fabulous, just watching the behind the scenes was amazing. I can only imagine what the real show would have been like. AMAZING!

So let me hold you tight and share a killer-thriller!
-Hot Donna

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Friday, November 18, 2011


5 things you look for in a person/relationship.

Listen.  I notice if you like talking, and that's great if you do. I love talking. Something I specifically look for is if someone is listening. Because I love talking, I need someone to listen to me and I need to feel like they are hearing me out. Knowing that someone thinks what I have to say is important is so wonderful.   If you want to show someone you love them....LISTEN TO THEM

Humor  Every girl wants someone that can make her laugh. I am no different. Laughter is the best medicine. I just want someone who thinks I'm funny and can make me laugh as well. :)

Trust.  If I don't feel like I can trust you....then I probably don't want to be vulnerable around you.. I think that's pretty self-explanatory.

Acceptance.  I am weird. I ask a lot of weird questions. I have a desire to do a lot of weird things. Someone who will do these adventures with me and answer my noob questions is the BOMB :D

as far as relationships go I want to end up with someone who is my Best Friend. 

Well there you have it. Things I look for in people. I guess this isn't just for "relationships" it could be for all people.

Snow... it's everywhere
-Hot Donna

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Hi kids.

TOday is upload a pic of yourself from the past and one from today and say what you think....

Because I still think the internet is a scary place full of demons I am not going to post any pictures.

Anyway, I think that, like most people, I grew up pretty well. I mean it may not have been like Matthew Lewis, but I think I turned out pretty nicely haha.

Aside from my physical body....I'm really happy about who I have grown up to be. I like to think that I am a polite person. Someone that people can count on to get things done. I enjoy being thankful for little things and enjoying the little things.

I am super glad that I didn't grow up to be one of those girls that dyes her hair every day and puts people down to bring herself up. I am glad that now I hate twilight, and Harry Potter will forever be number 1.

Proud to be an AD Nerd
-Hot Donna.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


List everything you ate today


what I plan to eat today
-more water
-something healthy without fat(thanks biolife_
-Chinese food?
-Junk after 3:10
-maybe a bagel.

this is a weird post haha.

I lost my flashdrive. It sucks because my entire portfolio was on there... ya ya"that's what you get for not backing it up.."   BOO. I was just thinking about doing that the day I lost it....So now I get the wonderful project of redoing all of that. ....Joy

Flashdrive...come home...please...
-Hot Donna.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Tell us about you academically.

Well I am a terrible speller. It took me a lot longer than it should have to spell academically... I mean other than that I feel like I'm a good student. I always remember to do assignments (there was that ONE time) and I usually go to class.

I pay attention to what the prof is saying, and I try to limit my phone usage. I've been on the deans list every semester....and now it's snowing.....oh joy....It's really coming down...:S Good thing I don't have to work.

-Hot Donna

Monday, November 14, 2011


Write A letter to someone who means a lot to you.

Dear Dad.

Hi. I know that you probably won't read my blog. (If I know mom at all, she will tell you about it tho)

Anyway, I just want to thank you for being such a great father. Mom told me about those times when I was a babe in the hospital and you were freaking out cuz your baby was sick. I always appreciate how hard you work so that we can all be happy and eat and live in a house.  My favorite memory from my childhood is that one time at the old blue house when we went in the backyard and caught butterflies during your lunch-break. Simpler times, they were awesome.

Now that I'm away from home I find myself appreciating all you even more for all you did for sister and I when we were lil girls. I miss you a lot. I know we aren't a lovely dovey word family....and that's OK. I just want you to know that I love you a lot, and am glad you like watching baseball :P Thanks for bringing us to all those Twins games, even when I was a little girl and all the cheering scared me.

Thanks for treating us like princesses. So we know how we should be treated from men in the future.
-Hot Donna

Friday, November 11, 2011

Take me out to the ball game.

scale of one to ten how attractive are you?


These questions are always weird. I mean I don't think anybody on this planet would say....Oh YES I am a 10. who knows maybe there is...Not me though. I don't think perfection is something you can obtain. Whatever, I still think that question is weird.

ohhhh so im officially done working!!! YAY that is exciting. I am really pumped to just sit and be for a while. I can take naps...I can spend time making my projects sweet. It will be fabulous. I don't have to stress out about that anymore....I am free of that place. WOOT

OK I'm going to biolife in like a half hour, and I'm kinda scared.....I know I know...Why are you scared? But I have to go by myself and I haven't done it before, and I am kinda convinced that I won't be able to do it. As my mom says though "Hey, it's worth a shot, at least you tried" Whatever, I know that I am freaking out for nothing haha ( that is kind of what normally happens)

I miss baseball season.....boooo its only been like 2 weeks...
-Hot Donna

Thursday, November 10, 2011


On a scale of 1-10 how happy are you today?


Today is my last day of work so that is really exciting. I guess it's not a ten today because lunch sucked...I hate when people don't listen to me. It's just frustrating, I get that there are a lot of people there and it is hard sometimes to listen to everyone. BUT if I am clearly talking to someone and you just cut me off, then you are being a dick.  Ignore me once, fine....Ignore me and cut me off every time we are in a conversation need to grow up little freshman.

Don't think you know everything about everything, because you probably don't.

I need to spend more time working on my projects....I want to work for the twins...I MUST keep my dream in focus.

-Hot Donna

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Someone you are jealous of and why.....

This might be very shallow of me, but I'm always jealous of my friend Marissa.  She is so lovely and ALWAYS looks fabulous. Her clothes are so cool, just like her.

She's truly beautiful on the inside and out.

I just really like her attitude about everything. She is really chill and is easy to be around. It makes people feel at ease when they are around her.

I had an interview for this internship about two weeks ago. And I should find out if I got it any day now...So I am really nervous, because I want it so bad. I hope I didn't mess it up...It is what I want to do.

Gosh, I hate planning for the future. Would life really be so bad if I just worked at a job (not a career) for the rest of my life.....but then why did I go to college? To make something of myself, and now that I am....I'm scared. Man, life is pretty scary....

Just trying not to take life too seriously.
-Hot Donna.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


SO today is post a picture of the last time you went out and tell us what you did.

This is a pic from my bowling birthday bash. It was a triple awesome party. A bunch of friends went bowling and it was a lot of fun. I enjoy bowling, maybe it's my blood. haha I talk a lot bigger game than I have, but I was better than most people on my lane :P   Actually, only one person on my lane beat me. woo HOO! yeah he's pretty sweet.

It was a fabulous time, and I can't wait to go again. :D
-Hot Donna

Monday, November 7, 2011


A quote you live by...

Well this is really hard. There are so many good quotes that I love.

This is the one I will share "Above all else guard your heart, for it affects everything you do." I think it's totally true. At least for me, being a female, I'm easily affected by things hahaha. 

So guarding your hard is protecting yourself from evilness in this world. Look out for yourself, because someone has too.....ya know? :D

I wear my heart on my sleeve...
-Hot Donna

Sunday, November 6, 2011

16 (17) a question I don't want to answer....SO onto 17 we go :P

Something you worry about a lot.

The future....and facing it alone. I know that it seems really silly, but I'm getting to the point where I am going to be done with college. What's next? It's scary thinking about what the next step should be. I mean, I have things that I want to happen, but what if that's not how it works out. And when college is over...I'm truly on my own. Out there living in the big city... It's scary.

Just trying to enjoy the present
-Hot Donna

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Tell us something you feel strongly about.

I feel strongly about weird things. I will talk about a few I guess haha.

First, I will defend Michael Jackson til the end. I don't care who thinks he hurt those boys and if he is a creeper. Anyone who is actually educated on his life will know that it's not true. MJ's father was a complete douche. He forced his boys to tour and make music. Michael was 6 (or 8 I don't remember) when they started Jackson 5, he had absolutely no childhood. Why do you think neverland ranch was full of things for children...because he wanted to experience those things. He was forced into the business at a young age, and that had effected him greatly.

"haha Durp, But he is white now... lol" --Here is the deal with that. He had a skin condition that caused his skin to have white patches. I don't know how many of you would want to walk around looking like you had poka-dots.

Can you honestly look me in the eyes and tell me that he didn't make breakthroughs in music? It was fabulous. Nobody will ever top thriller....EVER. It is amazing. He was an amazing performer, and cared so much about his music.

2 thing I feel really strongly about is listening to people. You want to show people your love for them, listen when they talk to you. There is no greater diss than to completely ignore what someone is saying. When people do that to me, it makes me feel like I'm not worth their time. It's so rude.

If you want to make the world a better place....take a look at yourself and make a change.
-Hot Donna

Friday, November 4, 2011


name one thing you are excited for.

Well..I'm pretty excited for thanksgiving break.

I get to go home and eat yummy food!!! YAY no KISE! And I can hang out with my family. It will be nice. I can sit around and watch tv all day. I will be able to sleep in my big bed! YES :D.

Plus a break from school always has it's perks :P

Stuffing is the best
-Hot Donna

Thursday, November 3, 2011


A list of things you would like to achieve in 2011.

Well the year is almost over so I don't know how long the list will be.

  • Get an A in all of my classes
  • Get the interview at the FARGODOME.
  • Biolife....
  • Getting all of my Christmas presents done on time.
  • Cleaning out my junk in my room....(It's messy)
  • ooh I kinda want a Sudoku book.
  • Ride on a giraffe
  • not being afraid of feelings

 Some of these questions are kinda weird haha, I hope you still enjoy it. I kinda like it, gives me something to go off of ya know?

Maybe I should talk about my life actually....Well, I am quitting my job...*GASP* I know big step. I'm actually really excited though because I think it is what's best. Obviously, if you have been keeping up with my blog, I have been really angry lately. I believe that a lot of my anger stems from work. So ya, I'm sad that I will be leaving the kids and stuff, but I think it's time to more on.

I'm working on my ROAR
-Hot Donna

P.S. The spell check on this thing changed "fargodome" to "ragtime"....those words are  similar at all haha.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


3 things that irritate you about people.

1. Is when people don't listen. Seriously, shut up for 5 minutes and listen to what they are saying. Sure you can have your time to speak too, but seriously, if you are the only one contributing to the conversation that there is a problem.  Another aspect of that is when I'm telling a story to someone, and someone else jumps in and tells the story....ummm no. I was telling the story.

2. When I am placed in charge and the "Help" start telling me how it should be done. If you want to be in charge, you should volunteer....not help and then tell who is in charge what to do.

3. Finally, when people jump down my throat for saying something they don't agree with. Or when people act all high and mighty because they are always right. Let's all agree that we don't need to be exactly the same.

I ate way too much candy yesterday
-Hot Donna