My Blog

Welcome to my page!!!...This should be entertaining :) What a better place for me to ramble on and on about things! I don't know why I didn't do this sooner. I'm so glad that I finally get to be Hot Donna for something :P

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Every tear falls down for a reason

My. Body. Hurts.

I played ultimate Frisbee yesterday, and I ache so badly. It's so bad, it was like hard for me to get dressed this morning haha. It was a good time though, I always enjoy playing ultimate. NOTE: wear your shoes the whole time next time. If you don't they will kill with pain the next day...

Omgosh. I just realized that this is my last "blog every day in April" blog. Oh man! I'm kinda sad about this actually haha. Oddly, I have enjoyed being forced to write a blog everyday. I wonder if that will continue. Once the summer hits I definitely won't be blogging as much because I will be at camp. 

So it's finals next week, and although I am glad that the homework will be done, I am always sad at the end of a semester. I don't want my friends to leave. The thought of us all separating is just depressing. I know that it is probably healthy, but I still don't like it. It always means that college is almost done and then it's time for the real world. Whatever that means. Either way, I'm not prepared for it at this moment in life.

I have proof that chivalry is NOT dead. At work we were outside playing on the playground, and this little boy comes up to me and asks me if I want his coat because it was cold!!....Faith restored in today's youth :). Of course, being me, I freaked out for the next five minutes about how adorable and awesome that was. If only someone whose jacket actually fit me would do that. :) I still think it's the cutest thing.

Well in honor of my last blog in April, I am putting my favorite YouTube video on here....

He can't resist this....he trying to resist this, but it ain't gonna happen!
-Hot Donna

Friday, April 29, 2011

I know to live you must give your life away

I have learned lately, that I try way to hard to please people. This is the downfall of my happiness. I basically see that I have let someone down, or even worse, completely humiliate myself because I want someone to think I'm cool. It's really lame. Why do we all need to feel like we have something to prove to our friends. Obviously they thought something about us was special if they continued to talk to us.

Another lesson that is connected to this is watching out for yourself. There are so many things to throw us off track. It can be something so small too, like a beautiful day, that makes you fail your final. Anyway, I don't think there is anything wrong in making sure you look out for yourself. Sometimes I'm scared that I always cross into that line of being selfish whenever I do something for me. I think there is a time for it though.

Hmmm, I have been noticing how much of a pattern my blogs are taking. Maybe you haven't noticed but I feel like I talk about loving yourself a lot. It's important though, and completely healthy to talk about. I don't watch Glee, but all of my roommates do, and this episode they were watching today was about people loving what they hated about themselves. I was pleasantly surprised because tons of people watch this show and I was thinking  about how it was such a good message for everyone to hear. 
I'm going to admit that I wanted to wake up and watch the royal wedding. I didn't do it, but now I'm really kind of wishing I had. I know it doesn't really affect me either way, but it still would have been fun to do. Oh well. I will survive. 

You're Beautiful. Be Yourself. Always!!
-Hot Donna

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Neither can live while the other survives...

Harry Potter. I love you. You were my childhood/adult escape from this evil place called Earth. I spent so many hours waiting in line to buy the next book and even more time reading them. They are so well written and it's a wonderful story. 

But now it's the beginning of the end, the first trailer for the last movie came out yesterday. I have already accepted the fact that I will probably cry when it's over. This time it's really over. No more movies, no more books. No more staring at Rupert Grint's face. The movies will be around I know, but there is no more waiting for what will happen next. I grew up with this series, and it's always sad when a good thing ends. I'm even more upset that I can't see it at midnight. Opening weekend! Yes I am going. 

I know not everyone can share in my enjoyment of Harry Potter, which is really too bad because it's a fabulous story.
Speaking of my childhood. My favorite childhood memory is at my old house in Carrington. My pop and I were running around chasing after butterflies. I don't remember if we caught any, but I do remember my long flowing past-my-butt hair. I guess I can admit that I am a daddy's girl at heart. I don't know if he remembers us chasing bugs back in the days we lived in the blue house, but I do. It is definitely my favorite childhood memory.

You’re hotter than the SUN!
-Hot Donna

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

You just gotta ignite the light, and let it shine

You know what I don't understand. People. Just Humans in general, we are so weird. One day we are talking about how much we need rain, and then the second it rains all the farmers are talking about how there will be no harvest if it keeps raining. 

Something else that always has bothered me are double standards... like girls are whores if they flirt with any guy, but man is so manly if he is caught doing the same. Another thing that I just think is totally weird is girls calling each other whores and bitch etc. If you don't want guys calling you that ladies, then you need to stop calling each other that. It just gives everyone a right to call you that. 

Instead, we should be calling each other names that build us up. Whatever it may be, I just feel like sometimes people don't see how affected they are by those negative names.

One of the best feelings in the world is the feeling I get after I floss my teeth. hahaha I know, this is the weirdest thing to blog about, but hey that's what I'm thinking just now. It is just so clean and is doubly awesome because I don't eat so much at non-mealtime-times.

I'm not getting paid by the dental society or anything, but seriously, give it a try. It is fabulous :)

So I'm all about positive self-image lately. I found this picture yesterday, I just love it.

Be who you want to be, not what other people think you should be.
-Hot Donna

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Everyone so elegant, it made me feel so plain

Apparently its the "online thing" to fill out these tag things. All the "in" people are doing it. At least that is what Chelsea says, so I suppose that I am going to do this survey below.  Because I trust her opinion when it comes to this online stuff, I figured it was appropriate to do it.

1. Name a book you would take on a long flight? Well I suppose it would have to be Harry Potter and the deathly hallows. Fabulous book, and it's the book out of the series that I have read the least, so I think it makes sense to do.

2. What is your guilty pleasure? Katy Perry, her music. I know that I will be shunned for this, but I like it, it's fun and carefree. Some of it is inspiring as well. But yes her music is my guilty pleasure :P

3. Name three characters from any book, you wish you could be friends with? Ron, Harry and Hermione. I am a person who loves adventures, and I think these three definitely have their share of adventure.

4. What's your shoes size? Size big AKA size 9

5. If you could write your own book, name the title, and a brief synopsis. "Man I want to play C.O.D." This is a story of an average American girl, who loves playing call of duty. It's the classic tale of a nerdy girl, who admits that she is a nerd and plays COD all day long. Then she wins a contest where she can steal all of the money of one baseball team......Wonder which team she will choose? Read the book.

6. What's your favorite flavor of ice cream. Mint Chocolate Chip

7. What book are you currently reading? Well I just read Alice in Wonderland.

8. What room do you film your YouTube videos? About that....I haven't.

9. Best YA series you've ever read? Chelsea....I don't know what this means

10. What is your best physical attribute? Eyes. :) Check 'em out.

11. Do you like manga or comics, if so name your favourite series? I always like reading the comics in the paper

12. Do you sleep on your side or your stomach? Well this is kinda scandalous, on my side.

13. Favorite book mark? hmmm It's a bookmark I found at camp. It is this jelly bean prayer, and it talks about different jelly beans and how they relate to our lives...very cool.

14. What song are you currently listening in your Ipod? Cover your eyes by Children 18:3

15. Worst summer job you've ever had? Working at a grocery store (Note: it wasn't terrible. All my other summer jobs were better)

16. What's your favorite band, or type of music? I love upbeat music. Basically if it's fast, and has a good sound I dig it. Slower stuff is good at times, but not all the time.

Hey today you look fabulous!
-Hot Donna

Monday, April 25, 2011

Cover your eyes.

Thunderstorms.... Inspiring or scary?

You know, I remember when I was little and they used to scare me because it was a loud noise. Maybe it was just an excuse to run into my parents room and bug them. I decided this summer when I had campers so afraid of storms that I would show how awesome they were to my kids so they didn't wake me up in the middle of the night :P

Today I appreciate them, I strangely like falling asleep to them. Or watching lightning, It's so cool. Best place to watch it is at Red Willow. Over the lake, it's the best thing I've seen.  I don't really mind the rain. I really enjoy puddle jumping, next time it me up. We shall go, and then make pizza afterward...yummm. 
You know what is just sad....girls who date guys just so they will have a date for prom. Where I come from, nobody goes without a date. I just think it's super stupid, when someone is breaking up a week after the prom is over. Man, If that had happened to me, I would feel so used.
Turnaround bright eyes
-Hot Donna

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The good girls are holding broken hearts.

So today is Easter and I was wondering how the whole Rabbit thing started... So i googled it, and am going to share with all y'all.

Rabbits are among the most prolific of all living creatures. They exemplify fertility, as they may produce many offspring at one time. According to Anglo-Saxon mythology, Ostara (again, the fertility goddess) transformed a bird into a bunny, who laid colorful eggs for children. Thus began the tradition of a bunny giving children decorated eggs in the spring.
In America, Pennsylvania Dutch settlers recounted stories to their children of the "Oschter Haws" (Easter Hare), who visited homes and left colored eggs for well-behaved children. Little boys would leave their caps, and little girls would leave their bonnets, as nests. In time, families began weaving and crafting baskets instead.
In the 19th century, German confectioners began making Easter bunnies from pastry.
Today, in the United States, many families perpetuate the tradition of the Easter bunny, who brings treats and trinkets to children. Many other countries have similar traditions.

I think it's fun. Today is all about new life. I enjoy it, Spring is a good time...No more winter.

You know what I like about spring....Strawberries. They are so yummy. I like really huge strawberries, they are fun to eat. Specially when they are like Half of my face!!!

I also enjoy long walks and frolicking through the flowers....... :P

Yesterday I woke up and I heard birds chirping, for some reason I just thought that was super encouraging. Yay birds! It's warm  enough for you to be here, which means that I can almost wear shorts! Put away my jackets

Stay sweet
-Hot Donna

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The winners need someone to clap for them.

I really enjoy this picture. I think it's really funny, and what disney loving girl doesn't want a man like this?

I found all these pictures last night, and thought to myself "who better to share these with than all the people that read my blog. :)
I just thought this picture was hilarious haha. Sorry if it makes you uncomfortable. I just think it's so weird and strangely entertaining..

..This is absolutely true.
 I apologize that this picture is really hard to read. I like this picture. I want to share this with all you wonderful people because I wish someone would have said this to me about three months ago, so hey read this and take it to heart. Don't think to much about things. It will drive you crazy.

“Look at you. You’re young. And you’re scared. Why are you so scared? Stop being paralyzed. Stop swallowing your words. Stop caring what other people think. Wear what you want. Say what you want. Listen to the music you want to listen to. Play it loud and dance to it. Go out for a drive at midnight and forget that you have school the next day. Stop waiting for Friday. Live now. Do it now. Take risks. Tell secrets. This life is yours. When are you going to realize that you can do whatever you want?” 

My weakness is that I care to much.
-Hot Donna.

Friday, April 22, 2011

And I don't wanna fall to pieces, I just want to sit and stare at you

Everyone has pet peeves right? A few of mine are: when I am talking, you interrupt with saying the exact same thing I was saying. Breathing on me...(strangely there was an exception to that...)  My newest peeve is when someone assures you that they will tell you if something you do bothers them, and then they don't tell you until it's to the point where they are going to blow up.  It makes me sad, because if I had known it was such a nuisance I definitely would have stopped.
About a year ago people would tell me things like "Oh you are so lucky that you have never been in a relationship, you are smart. Trust me, you will agree with me when it finally does happen." Man, I never bought that. I thought it was way worse sitting on the outside watching and not knowing. Maybe the thought process was, "she's never been heart broken." Remember, you don't have to be dating to have your heart broken. Today being the person I am, with all the experiences I now have, I still think what I thought back then.

Everyone says that it's all abut communication. If everyone knows that, they why are there so many friendships that end without people knowing why? Everyone accepts that this is the only way to have a friendship, with communication...but there are so many that don't practice this. Are we afraid to say what we really feel? Do we just not think it's worth it? Are we being lazy?

Tell everyone that you care about, that you do.
-Hot Donna. 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

How come I'd never hear you say I just wanna be with you

In my English class today we were watching Wall*E. I really enjoy this movie, and I comment Pixar for making this film. I think it's a subtle way to wake up the world on how much garbage we throw out and how lazy we are. If you haven't seen it, check it out. 

Twenty Rules I've broken:
* The speed limit (it's a guideline anyway right?)
* snapping rubber bands at people (I was a 7th grader....)
* No phones at work  
* Turning off my phone at night (Sorry dad...)
* Stealing signs off peoples doors
* No seat belt
* Being on the roof of building
* going on blocked off staircases
* Plungering an aisle at wal mart
* skipping class
* texting in class ...(High school)
* Not fully stopping at stop signs
* I ran in the halls at school :S
* hitting my sister
* watching rated R movies before I was 17  
* The Girl Code Rule of "Trying to hard"
* Hating the Yankees at all times....(a moment that was foolish and wrong)
* Keep your friends secrects
* Always tell the truth
* Do your own homework.

 Love yourself
-Hot Donna

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

And that last kiss, I'll cherish until we meet again

Everyone has taken one of those lame survey things online where they ask things like "Would you kiss the last person that text you?" Or "When is the next time you will see the person you like" Or junk like that. Well if you don't....then you probably wouldn't be tech savvy enough to read my blog ha ha. Anyway one of those questions should be "When do you feel most confident?"  This is my answer to that:

In the mornings when I'm getting ready I dance around in front of the a fool. It's so weird, because it's like my favorite time of day. I just feel so ready to conquer the world at that time. The moment I walk out of that bathroom all that new found confidence kinda goes away, which is maybe a good thing...because then every single one of you would be in love with me hahahaha. Kidding. Kidding.
You know that saying "Everything seems worse at night?" In my own experiences I know that it's true. Why is it true? Are we naturally more dramatic at night? Is it because in the morning we have the hope of a new day. Maybe everything just seems happier when the sun is in the sky. Maybe it's a girl thing, we just love to freak out at night, because we are scared of the dark or something. No idea.

Remember that show, Dave the Barbarian? I absolutely love it. My sister and I would watch it all the time. Now they only show it on Disney at like 3 in the morning...super lame. 

Count Your Blessings
-Hot Donna

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The trees have all begun the dance Elated by a second chance.

We pay big money to go to college right? And we are forced to pay all of these fees and junk for things like technology, the wellness center, and environment fee, which I have never understood. Good, I'm glad we pay that crap so that I can go work out. When I've got a huge presentation in two days and the printer doesn't work in the lab two days in a row, that just makes me angry. I mean I am paying all this money to go to school here, the least you could do is make sure your equipment works.
Last night I watch this movie called Burlesque. (SPOILER) In the movie there is this guy who is engaged and then he meets the main character, and predictably falls for her. OK so something happens with this fiance and they are done, not even two mins later he is going after the main character....Is this normal? Isn't there some kind of "down time" where you have to be single. And as for the girl he was running to, wouldn't she want him to wait a bit too? I just don't understand, and I think it's a little sketchy.

I get that it's just a movie, but still, do people do this in real life? Shouldn't there be more of a "I'm sad this person is out of my life now" especially if you were going to marry this person.
No more romance movies for me, just give me a horror movie. I just can't handle it. It's kind of embarrassing actually, oh well, I will deal. I feel like it is time to watch a good horror movie. haha My favorite horror movie ever is definitely "My Super Psycho Sweet 16," it's so bad, it's good. I recommend it to everyone reading this.  

This is my favorite part of the movie. Enjoy.

Like a headless chicken

-Hot Donna

Monday, April 18, 2011

No more hiding who I want to be, this is me.

"You were born because you are going to be important to someone else."
I really dig this quote, it is soo true. We kind of live our lives always waiting around for things to happen. Something I myself should realize is that I am impacting peoples lives right now. That crap about how we are to young to do anything, that is bull. It's important to remember that you don't have to save someones life to be important. 
This whole subject reminded me of the story of the guy who was going to kill himself unless someone smiled at him on his way to the bridge. I am pretty sure that someone smiled at him right before he arrived. Ever since I heard that story I try to smile at random people. I don't think everyone's story is as dramatic as that, but a smile is contagious right?
I hate country music. Seriously, it's so twangy and terrible. I just feel like I don't need to hear anymore songs about getting drunk and her clothes falling off, Or My tractor, or my dog. I understand that other kinds of music sing about getting wasted and stuff, but I am just so sick of country. Because I'm from NoDak, I can't escape it....IT IS EVERYWHERE. And the worst part is ...people think it's actually good. Tragic.
This is the story of a girl.
-Hot Donna

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Standin' out in the rain, knowing that it's really over.

Well I'm really excited because this is my first blog ever using my iPod. Currently I am sitting on a rooftop. My hands are so cold, but I enjoy this time to be Alone. I'm listening to the song firework by Katy perry. I really enjoy this song because it's oddly inspiring. Talking about how a person maybe think they are worthless, but that is thinking is wrong. You just need to show what you are worth. I like it, even if it's song by a top forty artist. An encouragement for people to step into the spotlight and not be afraid. Everyone needs to hear that at some point in life. 

THE best song in the world is be my escape by relient k. Just look at the lyrics:

And I’ve been housing all this doubt and insecurity and
I’ve been locked inside that house all the while You hold the key
And I’ve been dying to get out and that might be the death of me
And even though, there’s no way in knowing where to go, promise I’m going because
I gotta get outta here
I’m stuck inside this rut that I fell into by mistake
I gotta get outta here
And I’m begging You, I’m begging You, I’m begging You to be my escape.

I just love it. I can't describe how wonderful it is, SO I guess I will put the song on here :)

Tell the people in your life you care about them. Even if you think they know how much you care, people still need to hear it. It will make their day. People love to feel wanted and loved, I think letting someone know how much you want them in your life is a great thing. I don't see how it can be bad, so their is no excuse for not doing it. It also lets them know that you don't think they are annoying.

Man, I realize I talk a whole lot about what I think other people should do to improve life. That's probably not cool, I mean it's good to think about, but it is not OK for me to make you guys feel like you are terrible people and I am so wonderful at life. I need to do all these things I talk about too. Just we are clear :)

Everyone reading this, I appreciate you so much. Honestly, It means a whole bunch to me that you actually care enough to read my thoughts. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are beautiful.
I'm starting with the person in the mirror
-Hot Donna

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Little girl don't be so blue, I know what you're going through.

 Judgment. Feelings. Yuck.

Wouldn't it be great if we could live in a world without them? Well at least the judgment part. It's one of the worst things in the world, feeling like you aren't good enough. Something that is incredibly sad is when people feel judgment from their friends. People who are suppose to suppose to support you with whatever you chose.

WAKE UP PEOPLE! Think about the things that you say, because honestly, what you think is a harmless marriage joke, could be making someone else feel bad about things they have done.

I hear about these situations where people make fun of songs because they are sung by 14 year old girls. "Oh how can they know what love is like."  OK yea, I buy that. they probably don't know what love is like, but neither do I and I'm 20. Unfortunately those girls know what it's like to have their hearts broken. Maybe I'm just realizing how vulnerable girls are, but this is how we are made.

I want to run away. Far. Panama City Beach, I will go there. Where they beach is beautiful and not overwhelming. A place that is apparently quiet when it's not spring break season. Sounds good. Sounds needed.

I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut.
-Hot Donna

Friday, April 15, 2011

And when it rains, will you always find an escape?

Well it snowed today and because of that I lost a bet. It's really quite sad. Luckily for me there was nothing at stake. Betting with friends is always interesting, I usually enjoy the ending of the bet no matter what because it usually means spending more time with them. Of course, it's always fun when you win, because it means you don't have to buy the ice cream. :P

As soon as it is may first, I want to go mini golfing. OK!? We are all going to go mini golfing, I am forcing you. 

Lately I have been really into the "positive motivational feel good songs" whenever I listen to those cheesy romance songs about love I just feel icky. It's so funny because it seems like when I was in a state to listen to those songs, all my ipod would play were depressing songs. Now that I'm in a state of, eww love songs, It's all my ipod is playing.... hmmm It's out to get me ha.

In this magazine I got, the girl on the cover was Hayley Williams from Paramore. So I actually read the article with her in it. They always ask the "cover girl" about love and all that crap. I really appreciated what she said about it actually. The question was "You know you're in love when _____" and she said "You have nothing to prove"     I think that's so true, and I just really liked it. I guess that's something I needed to hear.
Light makes a way
-Hot Donna

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Ooh I want you, I don't know if I need you but Ooh I'd die to find out

What makes someone afraid to be vulnerable? Something I was thinking about after lunch. I don't understand, if it's a lack of trust or if it's some kind of problem within. Maybe I'm not meant to understand. I guess I have to be OK with that.

Another thing I noticed, when you stop making special efforts to talk to someone, it is so easy to lose track of them. You just go about your daily business and if your schedules's SO easy to just stop seeing them. It's really a depressing thought. I went so far to think like, "If it wasn't for this one random situation where we met, I would have gone throughout college not knowing this person at all." Makes me want to cry. I guess it's good that someone has got a bigger plan and wanted you to meet them right?
My heart breaks because little children are so mean. Teasing each other, and just being rude. Crazily, I thought that somehow I could shield them from all the pain I went through when I was growing up. Guess not. It breaks my heart just seeing kids laughing at others because they are a little bit different, or because they are being who they are. I think that's why people are scared to show their real personality. When they were little they were just broken down by the evil girls in their grade school. 

I made it my personal goal to secretly boost all the girls self esteem. I made this my little project as of yesterday. So long I have dealt with self consciousness, and I think that just some person they know saying "Hey you look so cute today",  will make a world of difference.

The other day i was also thinking about how girls love to feel pretty and feel like a princess. I just see little girls get picked up by their dads and for some reason I just thought of those girls being little princesses and just being loved on by their dads. Makes me miss my dad. Yay, A male that a girl can actually rely on.   hahaha Oh that just reminded me of that quote in grease where frenchy I think says "The only man a girl can rely on is her daddy."
Let's hang out
-Hot Donna

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Be My Escape

Why do we place so much of our own worth in what other people think of us? I mean I definately suffer from this. One of my best friends doesn't text me...BAM "Oh My what did I do? Are they angry with me? what's the real reason for them not coming to this event?" It's so stupid. How much of my life have I wasted away worrying about things like that? If I focused productive like improving today youth...that is a much better way to spend my time.

How did this happen? why do people get like this? It's obvious to me that if they really are your friend, they won't be so quick to throw you away. Something I need to realize myself. I think the hardest part about letting that stuff go, is that you really don't know what is going to happen when you do. Are you going to forget it ever happened? Will you feel guilty for feeling so happy? 

It could be something along the line of not wanting to lose part of yourself. Maybe, I like to think that things that effect us so greatly will always stay with us. I think that for me personally is the fact that I don't want to forget. It's a sick twisted "I can hold onto this if I just decide to keep thinking about it and not move on." Is that really fair? No. Is it what I'm doing? Oh yes. 

I'm slowly reaching the point where I'm fed up with myself for being this way. Slowly,  I will get over this. Take my advise invisible person I talk to on this blog, Don't be like me. Grow from your pain, and don't let it take over your life. There is a greater plan than what you realize, and be comforted by that. I'll be the first to tell you that's the hardest thing to accept, but I believe it's 100% true.
YOU are beautiful, don't let anyone else influence you otherwise.
-Hot Donna.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Raise Your Glass.

I went to the river yesterday. I really enjoyed it. I find that whenever I'm near a body of water, I just feel really calm. To just sit and just be. It gives me time to think about life and to escape from my "world" I suppose. I think that's another reason I like camp so much, every night is spent by a lake.  I guess that means I need a beach house when I get older, so that I can walk out my back porch and be at the ocean.

Another thing that is easier about being a guy is the fact that you can go anywhere. When ladies wander around alone, they feel scared that someone will hurt them. This sucks, because I want to go and just sit next to the water. Obviously, I'm not going to force someone to come and watch me sit by the river. So it's just kinda lame. If I was a dude, I wouldn't have to worry about being attacked as much.

I'm going home this weekend. I am very excited about this. I think it will be good for me to get away from Moorhead. I love it here, but it's always good to get away right? It makes you realize how much you have. Kind of like that saying "you don't realize what you have until it's gone."

Why do we always talk about relationships? I am guilty of doing this too, but I don't understand the need for it. It's not like talking about it brings one around, or creates feelings. It really just gives you an excuse to over analyze everything in your life.  How do you teach yourself to stop over thinking things? That's what I have been trying to figure out. Call me the queen of over thinking. 
My Heart Hurts.
-Hot Donna

Monday, April 11, 2011

Shut up and listen

Today at work I realized a wonderful thing about children. There is a little girl there and her brother is special needs, and whenever she is asked to look after him she jumps on the task so quickly. I just watch her interact with him and it's so amazing. She talks to him with such love and patience. I think that's something we lose when we grow up. Patience and time to actually love people.  I guess I get so caught up in my own thing that I don't get a chance to love people as much as I would like. Or I miss chances because I'm so caught up in venting about my own problems. 

I was so proud of this girl, she gave up playing with her friends so she could take care of her brother. I just think she is wonderful. I strive to be like her, so kind and caring. I tried to tell her that she was doing a great job, but I don't think she knew what I was talking about. That's OK. Someday she will know. Either way I was inspired.

Spring is in the air. It's fun to see all the people outside enjoying the weather. All the old couples walking dogs, and kids on their bikes. It's a beautiful scene. I want to go somewhere and just watch people. Enjoy the sun on my face, and just be, go somewhere and not be stressing about all the things I need to do, or the relationships I'm trying to keep.

I enjoy old school brittney spears. Before she shaved her head, she was pretty good. When she was a wholesome teenager. Before she started the era of music when female singers wore no clothing.

WOW My itunes is talking to me about something. First Tearin' up my heart comes on...then I just can't stop loving you? ....well.. I wonder what that is about :P
I miss you
-Hot Donna

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Almost famous

How does the brain come up with things to put into dreams? It is things I have thought about recently? Is it stuff that has happened to me in my life, or maybe my goals and fears? I really know understand it. Maybe I should ask one of my many psychology major friends...I don't know if that would even know. I seriously had a messed up dream last night. I think my favorite part about it all is that it was super random, but it all fit into the story so well. And also that I didn't think anything was weird about it, until I woke up and realized I remembered my dream.

I was looking for fun quote to talk about and I found this one. "Change is the essence of life: Be willing to surrender what you are for what you could become."

I think this is interesting. I don't really know what else to think about it, but I liked it enough to put it on here. I think that y'all will find it thought provoking as well. 
Smarties are my favorite candy. I just ate about three packages. (I bought a huge bag.)  This is good. Right before finals I definitely need to become a smartie. Got to stay away from those dum dum suckers. I would be in TROUBLE! 

You know what bugs me. People thinking that all women just spend all their money on stupid things. Today for example a friend of mine said something like "Never give a woman a credit card." Alluding to the fact that girls just blow all their money. This upsets me. This is why. It seems to be a problem whenever a girl goes and spends her money on something she shoes or something idk. BUT it's perfectly logical when a guy wants to by the new 60 dollar video game that he has been waiting to get?  THIS IS BULL!

I work hard. I save money. I can spend my hard earned money on whatever I please, and if you aren't my other half...I just think you don't have a right to say something like that to me. It's not like we are raising a family together so just go play your video game and let me buy something if I want. Goodness.
Tired of stereotypes.
-Hot Donna

Saturday, April 9, 2011

I'm sicking slowly, so hurry hold me.

How do you know if someone changes you for the better? I mean people come in and out of our lives, but I believe they all leave a mark on who we become. I think at our deepest core we still have the same personality and stuff, but you can't deny that people can influence who you become. It's important to not lose your brain when this stuff happens. Don't lose what you think about things. Don't lose you.

Avril Lavigne, perfect example of a chick rocker. I really enjoy her older music, things I have read on her new stuff don't sound very promising, so I don't know if I will look into it. I need to get that CD back on my ipod. I suppose I could use all that kind of music I can get. ...Well I looked into it, disappointment.

I have no motivation to do anything right know, probably because it's 930 am on a Saturday, who is awake at this time?! I guess I am.

Someones facebook status the other day was "If you want to be happy, be." Of course I thought it was pretty cool, considering I'm blogging about it. It seems so simple, so easy to do. Easier said than done. 

I think I want to get my nose pierced....thoughts?
-Hot Donna

Friday, April 8, 2011

I can't forget about my heart...

I would walk a mile for a lot of things right now. All that is coming to my mind is steak right now, so I really must want one. I would totally walk a mile for that. I mean a mile isn't that much if you think about it. I would walk a mile for a lot of things. If you told me you would buy me an ice cream I probably would walk a mile. I'm trying to think of something I wouldn't walk a mile for... guacamole YUCK. I wouldn't walk a block for that. I hate it, It makes me sick. It is so disgusting, all green and nasty. 

People who are picky eaters are funny. This one girl I know will literally eat only five things. And she is very specific on how they are prepared and served. I never thought such a level of picky eating could be reached. 
"Oh that milk wasn't milked by hand, well that's just not going to cut it." OK so maybe it's not to that level of pickyness. I can't wait to see what she is like as an old woman. "NO I don't want my squash pre smooched!" hahaha.

Well we are now on the 8th day of this BEDA business. How many days in April? 30? Man, I have a ways to go. I best come up with some more thoughts on random things. I could talk about purple roses... I like them alot, they are pretty. 

There is a month of school left, and I have mixed feelings about it. I mean, I want school to be done. I don't want all my friends to go away for three months and me not seeing them. I guess we will all be busy doing our own thing, but still it's sad. We go from seeing each other everyday to not seeing each other for three months. I'm always sad when big breaks like this come. I guess it will give me time to think.

Stay Sweet
-Hot Donna

Thursday, April 7, 2011

And all the bad boys are standing in the shadows. All the good girls are home with broken hearts

The hallway was silent... Bonnie looked around and saw an incredible pair of eyes staring back at her.  She noticed his eyes because the rest of his face was covered in a mask. A black mask, the kind you would find in bank robberies. She was very curious to why she would see such a sight here at the baseball field. Usually people dressed liked that wouldn't be let in, someone might think he has a gun or something.

"Oh I do declare, what if he is going to streak across the baseball field."

Obviously she was not prepared for what was to happen during the 7th inning stretch....
There is my short story for the day :)

You know, I could really go for a good steak. Mom if you are reading this, can we have steak? I need some real food, not that junk I eat every day at kise. Fake meat and all, yummy. I have been eating a lot of food today, so I don't think I should be thinking about food anymore. 
I think the blogging community is a funny one. If you say something that pisses someone off, they can just write a blog in response to yours and vent about it. Then it's like an ongoing battle between blogs....hmmm. I wonder if that is a good way to get more traffic to your blog. Everyone would be super interested in a blog battle, NO DOUBT! :)

And I'm free, I'm free fallin'
-Hot Donna.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Both a Little Scared, neither one prepared.

When we grow up, well at least us females, we all get caught up in the Disney ending. Where the prince fights for the princess, and beats a scary dragon or battles a genie. I know I get caught up in this love where everything is magical and I just want to get lost in it all. People bash Disney and I guess that's fine, but I love to sit back and enjoy it, because it is magical and not likely to ever happen to me. 

I mean I definitely am not expecting some guy to fly up to my window with a magic carpet and fly me around the world singing a song we both already know all the words to. I understand it's not realistic, but I think that's why I like it so much. Something to dream about, because I don't think anyone will battle a huge snake while I'm in a hour glass.

People hate on it because it  gives girls a false sense of love? Well I understand the falling in love in three days business, that's kinda sketchy, but what's wrong with the idea of guys battling hard for someone they love? I think that's pretty swell. It maybe the girly girl in me, but I dig the idea of someone fighting for me. It's just fun to think about. 

It gives guys an unrealistic expectation to live up to? Maybe, depending on who you are talking too. Like I said, I don't expect you to wonder over, give me a rose and then run to the balcony to transform into a man. I would just appreciate if you wore jeans when we go to the movies. I feel like most gals realize that all the magical stuff is pretty hard to recreate. They just all want to be loved like the gals in the movies, where it's overwhelming and cheesy. I also don't think it's too big of a burden to let her know you care....Just saying.
Waiting for a Prince
-Hot Donna

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I don't blame you, for being you.

I have realized that I want a nice camera. One that can take super fly pictures. In Photography class we are watching this slide/tape recorder thing. I think it's great. The recording beeps every time the slide needs to be changed. It makes me realize how lacking in funds our school is. Oh well, I think this is fabulous.

All the photos we are looking at are of summertime, and beaches, and good weather. It makes me want to go back to Panama City Beach. It was so nice there. Yes everyone was crazy drunk and screaming SPRING BREAK 2011!!!!!, but I really enjoyed sitting by the ocean and just admiring the beauty of it all. Even at night, the ocean was so wonderful. It still amazes me that it can be so hot during the day, but as soon as the sun sets it was freezing. 
Baseball is reassuring. It makes me feel as if the world is not going to blow up.
I really enjoy this quote. It really relates to my life right now. I have found that it's super easy for me to stop worrying when I get caught up in the game. My poor roommates, they probably hate it. Oh well, I guess I will have to force myself upon people who I know are gonna watch it.
As humans I have realized that something everyone wants is just to be heard. I mean I know in my own experience all I want is that when I'm talking, people to listen. Later if you actually remember when I say, boom I'm yours, we will be great friends. 
Reminds me of some saying I heard. "That's why we have two ears and one mouth, so we do twice as much listening." I probably need to listen more. Proof of that being that I just love when people listen to me babble about nothing. Everyone needs to be heard.
Open your ears
-Hot Donna

Monday, April 4, 2011

The way you make me feel....

I wrote a bunch of lame poems last week at work. I figured I would put them on here for all you lovely folk to read. If you read the poem I wrote in my first blog ever then you know how great these are going to be :P.

Oranges are Orange                                              Roses are red
Blueberries are blue.                                              Violets are my fav
When I close my eyes                                          Buy me purple flowers
all I can see is you.                                              and I'll love you til the grave.

hahaha I need some work. I'm not super dramatic or anything. Those poems seem to be the most inspiring, sorry guys for not being a super deep poem writer.

I went to the circus yesterday. Of course, it was a fabulous time. I ate way to much junk food, rode on an elephant, spent to much money. It was a great time. I decided that if I ever ran away to join a circus, I would want to be the elephant lady. She gets to ride the elephants in and does pretty things with her arms while the elephants do tricks. Also, I want to ride on the trunk of an elephant, I'm jealous of that. It's super fly.

I don't know if you reading this have ever had Cinnamon almonds...but if you haven't go get some. they are the best things ever. Totally worth the money, in my opinion. It was super funny, because in the middle of the show  the ring master guy put in a little plug for the glowing toys. He was saying that because it was the last show they were "limited supply" HA yea right. I won't believe that when I'm 80 and I don't believe it now. I feel like because he made a little speech about it, they have tons leftover and don't want to put them away again.

Did you know that Michael Jackson owns the right to the "happy birthday" song. So technically every time we sing that song MJ should be getting some money. Isn't that crazy? Who would have thought. copyright laws are crazy, that's something I have learned in my ethics class.

I still enjoy Michael Jackson though. I need to watch his movie again. It always motivates me to care for the earth and crap. Making the world a better place. Look at myself and make a change and stuff... Start with the person in the mirror. :P

I'm gonna make a change, for once in my life
-Hot Donna

Sunday, April 3, 2011

I guess you never knew me at all...

I had the weirdest dream last night, it was all the people who were voted out of survivor and me. It started out kind of like a video game where I was trying to collect all these things in my bag, and beat this "boss". Then all of the sudden I was captured by this evil king who was trying to pass down his kingdom to his youngest son. This was a big no no because it needed to be passed down to the oldest son, but he was trying to cheat the system.

ANYWAY. We were trying to fly back to America, but these mean men captured us and then were basically saying we were going to die. They put us in this special room on the plane,which was weird because the seats were non-existent and we have to use these flaps in the floor when the plane was taking off and stuff. Anyway, as we were flying in the air, super cute older prince was trying to save us from his father. He was sneaking us instructions on how to get rid of the bomb implanted in this dummy thing used to communicate with us. It was pretty scary, we also had to answer all these random questions about ourselves so they could decide which one of us they wanted to save... Weird.
I am going to the circus today. I am SO excited :) I haven't been to the circus in like ten years, so this is long past due.

Something that has always bothered me. People that are jerks. I know what you're thinking. "obviously people that are jerks bother you." I have written about it before. WHY? why the sick thrill of making someone fill bad about themselves. I like to think there is good in everyone. That everyone cares a little bit if a dog gets run over or something. Maybe I just live in my own little world where nobody purposely pisses anyone off. Whatever. 
Creepy men at walmart scare me. Ex specially when it's 11 at night, and he wants me to give him and his buddy a ride somewhere. ummm NO! I'm sorry, but not when I'm a 20 year old female and your a 200 pound you have a friend. Sketch.

Don't let a stranger in your car
-Hot Donna

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Tell me I'm fogiven, say you'll always be mine.

Day 2 on this adventure of blogging everyday in April. So far so good. :)

Something that has been a weird encouragement to me lately is watching this dad interact with his daughters. Everyday he comes and picks them up from school and you can just see how much he loves them. He pateintly waits for them to finish coloring a tree or watches them play with the legos. He asks them about their day and actually listens to what they tell him. It's obvious that he treats his girls like princesses. I love to watch it, because it's just so beautiful. That maybe the sappy female coming out in me but Oh well, it's wonderful.

I have decided that being a girl that skateboards is like the hottest thing ever. Nothing says, I'm Awesome like a chick boarder. I see this girl on campus  with her board and I just think it's fabulous. I want to be her friend, so she can teach me her ways of awesomeness. I bet she is beating off the boys with a stick :P

That's such an odd saying. "beating 'em off with a stick" Who came up with that? was it someone that was so attractive that people were following them around to the point where they couldn't handle it anymore and started using a weapon so they would go away. You know, I don't think I would mind this haha. Well I take that back, if it was a bunch of creepy guys that I didn't care for at all it would probably bother me. 
I have been thinking about those people that push others away.  Why do they do this? Is it to see who will actually fight to be in their lives? Do they honestly want to be left alone all the time? Wouldn't that lifestyle be incredibly sad. Also, how long does someone have to fight before they realize they want to be a part of their life?

Food for thought.
Hot Donna

Friday, April 1, 2011

Everybody with your fists raised high, let me hear your battle cry.

We’re gonna win Twins, we’re gonna score!
We’re gonna win Twins, watch that baseball soar!
Knock out a homerun, shout a hip-hooray!
Cheer for the Minnesota Twins today!

We’re gonna win Twins, give it our all!
We’ve got the guys who’ll knock the cover off the ball!
Let’s hear it now for the team that came to play!
Cheer for the Minnesota Twins today!

Finally, the day has arrived. I know I have talked about this for a great long time. But I love baseball, and the Twins. They are my team. Sadly, I still haven't been to target field. Hopefully this summer. 
I have Always been a fan of obnoxiously huge rings. I really like those rings that take up more than one of your fingers, I want one. I don't have one of those rings, but I do have a super large ring. Want to know what is it? A purple rose :) I think that's fitting, don't you?

I'm trying to think of a  way to get more people to comment on my blogs, maybe that needs to happen by asking more questions... What do you think would you comment more if I asked amazing questions worth answering?

So It's offically April and apparently that means it's BEDA (blog every day in april) So I'm going to try it...see how it goes. Should be fun!
Don't Eat Yellow Snow
-Hot Donna