My Blog

Welcome to my page!!!...This should be entertaining :) What a better place for me to ramble on and on about things! I don't know why I didn't do this sooner. I'm so glad that I finally get to be Hot Donna for something :P

Thursday, March 31, 2011

If time was still the sun would never, never find us.

So my roommates are crazy. One just starts cackling after everything I say. I mean I know I'm super hilarious, but when I'm trying to be serious she just starts laughing. Meanwhile, a different roommate is belting out "Hey Soul Sister." Of course she sounds wonderful, because she is super hyper.  (the fact that she's not close to the original key is also fabulous.) Finally, the responsible one doing her homework.

Something I have realized about our apartment, we tend to make That's What She SAID jokes...a lot. So I decided to look up some of the "rules" on this and what I found was super entertaining. I googled it, and this is some of what I found.

The "That's What She said" etiquette;
1.) You cannot TWSS after your own sentence.--you sound like you are trying to set yourself up
2.) Your TWSS must be tasteful! Just because there is a single suggestive word in your sentence, doesn't mean a TWSS is applicable to what you're saying. I see this way too often! For example:

Tom: "I went to the ice rink today, and I kept falling because it was so wet."
Dave: "That's what she said. haha."

BUZZ- invalid! Dave just committed a TPV (tasteless pun violation.) Why? Because Dave decided that would be a good TWSS just because the word "wet" was in the sentence. But in all reality, the spirit of the TWSS is dead in that response, and he loses TWSSC ("that's what she said" credibility.) Why? Because if "she" really said, "I kept falling because it was so wet," that doesn't make sense in a sexual context, and thus, an ISSC (invalid "she said" context) resulting in the TPV for Dave.

Had the conversation gone as follows, Dave would have make a successful TWSS remark:

Tom: "I went the ice rink today, and let me tell ya, it was so wet and slippery in there, that I had to cling onto the pole right away!"

Dave: "That's what she said. Haha."

That's a great example of a well executed TWSS, for obvious reasons.

3.) You cannot get overly excited in your TWSS execution!
4.) Do not overuse TWSS!   you start to lose your credibility when you overuse/misuse. Plus people will enjoy it less if they are constantly talked about.

Thanks to "Rainman" for these rules. I really enjoyed it. 
FINALLY It's Baseball season. Today was opening day...and tomorrow is the TWINS GAME! :) I'm so pumped. I have been waiting for this day for a very very long time. On April 1st.  April fools day, I wonder if anyone is going to pull anything over on me. I really hope not, because I will probably fall for it.

I'll show you April fools day
-Hot Donna.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sweetheart! Are those your eyes staring straight back at me?

I recently discovered something rather hilarious. And I need to share it with you, my favorite people on earth..... The People who read my blog.

Apparently, there are people in the world who want to have a grass piggy bank. WHO DOESN'T WANT A BANK THAT HAS FUR ON IT? I just thought it was pretty silly.

It wouldn't let me put the picture on here so here is the link. Look at it. (It's dark and you can't see it but it's there)

I got a kick out of that when I saw it. I do kinda want one. It's only five used to be 25 nobody would pay that price for them haha and now they are twenty dollars cheaper.  That is a serious price cut people! I guess it wasn't as good of an idea as they thought. :)

So I'm going to the circus this weekend and I'm totally pumped. I haven't gone to a circus in the longest time. I am going to eat cotton candy and ride on the elephants.. (I hope there is no age limit on that kind of thing :S)  Gasp when the tightrope walkers almost lose there balance.  Cheer when the cannonball man gets shot through the air. 
Baseball. Baseball. Baseball. It's all I have been thinking about for a while and now it's finally here....Well at least this weekend. I have missed it so.  People have been sporting their favorite baseball teams gear lately. I don't know if I'm just noticing it more because I'm always thinking about it now or if it's actually because the season is approaching fast.

I really think that I want a tattoo. Or another piercing or something. To make me look super edgy and awesome. I can get a dragon tattoo all over my face, but I think that would cause people just to run away. That would be super intimidating.  Alas, my face is much to round to ever be intimidating. haha

Pale is the new Tan
-Hot Donna

Thursday, March 24, 2011

You can have the portkey to my heart

One thing I love about Photography class, is that we watch all these random documentaries. Honestly, I don't think anyone actually pays attention...well besides Sarah, but I think that's just because she's photojournalism major :P

You ever think about those people who "joking" make fun of you and put you down and make you feel guilty? Well I have been thinking about that kind of thing lately and I wonder why they do that. Do they just like to hurt people? I have a problem believing that because I think everyone has some good in them and care a little bit if people are hurting. Or the cliche "they are hurting deep down" I buy that one a little bit more because it sounds logical. But are there people who don't fall into either catagory? Like maybe they don't realize they are hurting people, or they are trying to push everyone away.
I always feel bad when the professors are having a bad day, because they look unprepared when in reality everything is just going wrong. 

So I have a fever... I literally am HOT donna. well my body temp anyway. Personally I feel so freezing, but I know that I have to wear almost no clothing so I don't burn up. "I'm burning up, burning up....for you baby..." This whole fever thing does not make me happy. My legs are weak and I can barely walk...but HEY at least I've got ....great hair? haha I don't know what to say there, it was just the first thing that came into mind.
I've been itching to play my guitar lately, and today I finally set aside some time to play tonight. I realized how much I like to play when nobody is around. What I would give to have an afternoon of uninterrupted guitar playing time. It would be fabulous. I promised a friend of mine I would learn this song; so that is my current project. I'm really excited. 
Stay Sweet.
-HOT Donna.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Hug it out.

Well fans I am back from Florida, and if I may say....I am TAN! Praise the Lord, because I'm usually a snow princess.

Spring Break was fabulous. A week away in a place where it is warm and they say SODA. Fantastic. I discovered lots of new words that I think are fun. Or just plain odd. Swallow.Concoction. Oops. Nipple. Tinkle. Booger. those are some new ones. haha. Say them out loud, they are funny.

I have done  a lot of self reflection this week. I am on my way back to the light, so hey that is definitely good news. I realized some things that I need to work on as well. Which is good right, nothing wrong with trying to make yourself better.

I want to go to Harry Potter world. I grew up with those books. It was an escape for me; if i went there I could actually escape into the world. Go into the shops, pretend to be a wizard and junk. I bet it would be a fabulous time. It breaks my heart that it's almost  over. HP has been a part of me for so long that with the last movie coming out this summer I am sad. It's officially the end. At least it's before 2012 :P

Have you ever noticed that the "lol" looks like a man on a roller coaster with his hands in the air. lol lol. must be a wicked ride. :)

Well this is kinda short, but I wanted to get something up after break.
Stay sweet.
-Hot Donna.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tell me I'm a wreck.

So today has been a bit rough. It's almost 11, I'm surviving. Looking for some encouragement I clicked on my "God's message to you" app on facebook and this is what I got
On this day of your life, we believe God wants you to know ... that today is a big day for you. 
Yes, today. Keep your eyes open for a message. It might come in a shape of a bird flying overhead, or a graffiti on a wall, or a phrase said by a passerby, or... Whatever shape it has, this message has been trying to reach you for years, and today is finally the day. Keep your senses open. 

I think this is really funny. Today of all days, it's very interesting to think about. I wonder what kind of message has been trying to reach me for years. Maybe I have some kind of odd disease, I hope not. That would be a very sad message to get after 20 years of life. 

Maybe I have some long lost relative that has left me millions of dollars and I can know drop out of school and just be lazy for the rest of my life. Or Someone will offer me a trip to London? To finally live out my dream of riding on the top of a double Decker bus. 

Here we go. This is truly it. THE YANKEES ARE BANKRUPT AND WILL NEVER PLAY BASEBALL AGAIN. hahahahahahahaha That would be a fun day.  Of course I never ever think this will happen, but, hey, you never know. Imagine a world without the Yankees...Man, I think the world would find world peace. It would be so wonderful. 

You know, I'm finally feeling deeply sorry for Harry Potter after all my years of reading. When I started reading the series I always knew his parents died and he never knew them. And I felt bad...But I think today I'm realizing how much that must suck. I mean I was chatting it up with my mum today, and she made me feel better about a lot of different things... He never had that. Didn't have someone to run too if someone broke their heart, of if he scrapped his knee, or to teach him to ride a bike. I feel so bad for people without their parents.

I know Harry is a fictional character, but there are lots of kids in the world dealing with that same problem that he did. 

I love accents. I think they are so classy. 

Hey anyone that wants to impress me, buy me a jar full of jelly beans.

It's time to start watching that 70s show again.
-Hot Donna.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

So much to do, So little time.

So I'm starting to feel a bit overwhelmed.  It's almost spring break, and I have a lot of things to get through before I can relax on the beach. It is going to be a busy week I believe. I'm off to a good start thought I think, I started and have almost finished one study guide. (win!)

You know what bothers me? People assuming they know how I'm going to act. Let me tell you why, when said person does this I believe this is what is expected of me and I can't break out of this mold they have put me in. Call it weak minded or whatever, but it's something that I struggle with apparently. I'm trying to break out of this but it's hard when it's people who are suppose to know you the best. Ya know?

I just think it's all stupid. Why are we trying to guess how people act anyway. Unless you have known me all my life, I really don't think you can know me 100%. Seriously, Let me be me. Don't try to say who I am, because maybe I'm trying to break out of that. Or maybe I am embarrassed.
Aladdin is the best movie in the world. I love it so much. I really want to watch it. I don't know when that will happen. I have way to much crap to do. I must make time for this before Friday. I MUST!

Spring Break is close at hand, which is exciting because I'm going to Florida, but it's also sad because that means it's almost the end of the semester which means I have to say goodbye to my friends.. :( WAHHH 

I will deal. It's only a week right? Right. 

Do you ever wonder about what you could be doing if you didn't have a computer, or a TV, or video games.... For example. I just sat at my desk for the last 3 hours doing that study guide...did I have facebook up the entire  time...well of course. It's kinda ridiculous. We could be out building relationships, or reading, or finding a cure for the cold. Saving houses from the river, take your pick.

I'm realizing that it is super hard for me to stop apologizing. I hate this. I must make it stop. 

Sick and tired of taking the blame
-Hot Donna.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I want to go to mardi gras...

Spring Break.

Something that every college student looks forward too. Don't get me wrong, I'm more than pumped for break. I'm not so excited for what it means though. To me spring break means it's the end of the semester....which I never looked forward to because I don't want all my friends to leave me. Specially this semester I feel like I have even more of a reason to not look forward to three month long breaks...

Something I realized when I was in the bathroom, (where I do my best thinking) is that my apologizing has gotten to such a level where I am now apologizing for things I have no control over. Saying sorry for things that aren't even my fault!!! This is rediculous. I'm making my self feel bad for stuff that I didn't even do wrong. That's so much wasted emotion, not to mention that it is superly negaitive. No more. I'm challenging myself to break this terrible habit.

March 1 means that THE dairy queen opened today. Of course I went! It was freezing, and we were idiots for walking, but hey it's a story for my grandkids ya know? haha I like to think of myself doing crazy things and passing those stories down when I'm super duper old. I don't have a "I was so wasted ..." story or anything like that. But I want some cute story like..."well your grandfather and I did this..." blah blah blah...   OH Man.. that was a weird moment.

Speaking of being a grandma...I love knitting.  The problem? I haven't gotten to knit in probably three keeps ya busy. I'm still trying to finnish my fingerless gloves....Maybe tomorrow I will have time.

SURVIVOR has begun again. It's wonderful. I don't care if people make fun of me for still watching it after ten years. Its always been a dream of mine to be on survivor, I even looked at an application once. Imagine how thrilling it would be, you would definately learn tons about yourself. Plus, you would have an excuse to be a total jerk to people, who doesn't want that?

Stay Sweet,
-Hot Donna