My Blog

Welcome to my page!!!...This should be entertaining :) What a better place for me to ramble on and on about things! I don't know why I didn't do this sooner. I'm so glad that I finally get to be Hot Donna for something :P

Friday, December 20, 2013


An interesting week at the workplace... a ton of online orders have been getting delayed or even messed up, sent to the wrong place...yadda yadda..

what comes with that is a lot of people coming in to complain/calling... everything.

I was reading a lot of the complaints just not and i'm really dissappointed in people right now.

Why are we celebrating christmas? for the gifts? Because we are greedy?  Is it worth crying to your husband on the phone? or telling me that we are ruining christmas because she isn't getting the exact outfit you wanted?

People threatening to never shop there again. People complaining that what we do isn't good enough.




....Why does retail suck.

Thursday, November 21, 2013


Well life in apartment 126 has been interesting to say the least.

It maybe wasn't a wonderful idea to live with people that we don't know.  Not that they are mean or anything. We obviously aren't friends. They are a few years older than me and have shit tons of furnature and...... no room for roommates.

I talk with my mom alot about it and she said that they want roommates to help pay the rent, but not to actually live there and have space for them...

I guess I'm ready to move out.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Long time blogger.

Hey Blogger,

it's been a really long time. They said my last post was FEB 2013. Man. it's the middle of November....Time really does fly.

A lots happened since feb. I mean I graduated college and took the plunge into adulthood.

it sucks

I mean it's not so terrible that I want to move home and work at SuperValu again, but it's a different kind of stress then school is.

I literally go to work and that's it. Don't get me wrong I love not having any homework, but I miss having something to care about besides work. I at least had LCM. Something to be passionate about... now all I do is avoiding Canadians and telling them that their J-bucks can't be combined with the sale..  


The hardest part is seeing all of my classmates get these awesome jobs at Advertising agencies or design gigs, and I'm still at Justice....

Can I start with your home phone number?

I feel really bad because I work with all of these girls that are thinking about going to college and how they are going to get a good job because they'll have a degree...

Ya right, I thought that too

Some cool stuff has happened since then too.... I did get promoted to assistant manager at work, which is full time so I guess i don't need to feel so bad about it.

I have the best boyfriend in the world... 

I know that everyone says that, but it's true. Really.

My sister goes to school in town now, so we get to hang out more.

I guess it's times like this when I get a reminder that all I really want in life is to be happy. Not a fast-paced - high- paying job. 

My mom says that it will work out. I have to believe her.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

I think i'm a bit stressed.

The end of my college career is quickly approaching. And whenever I think about all the things that need to be figured out I get sick.. (not really..)

Where am I going  to live? Where can i make enough money so that I can pay for things?
Will I scrape for money for the rest of my life?

Was this all a waste, and i could have gotten the same job without a degree?

Sunday, January 27, 2013

I'll love you forever...

So one saying that really bothers me is "I'll love you forever if (fill in here)"

Like when you are trying to get someone to do something for you and you say that in order to motivate the person to do what you want.

I might have already blogged about this but i feel really strong about that.

I just think that if you love someone.... it wouldn't be conditional.

I know that a lot of people will argue that they don't mean it to sound like it's conditional.

But words are very impactful, and even if you don't mean it to sound like that...It could mean that to someone else.

Be careful what you say.


Friday, January 11, 2013


Google makes me laugh.

They are obvious about how they have integrated all of their products.

For example, when I began this post they had a little pop up telling me about how I can now tag people from Google+ in my blog....

I use Firefox. Once I was on my blogger page and Google told me that I was using an "unsecured browser"  and then had this link  Use Chrome Now  lol.

I just love how they are very forward with getting you to use their product, and they have no shame about it.
Another thing I wanted to share with you guy is this.

Laci Green, she is fantastic.  She talks about all those awkward questions that you would be to embarrassed to ask your parents about or Google.

Yes her channel is called Sex+, but it's more than that. She is about empowering yourself and loving your body. Everyone can relate to that. 

Anyway, I just wanted to share that because I just think she is great and thought maybe you would too?
