My Blog

Welcome to my page!!!...This should be entertaining :) What a better place for me to ramble on and on about things! I don't know why I didn't do this sooner. I'm so glad that I finally get to be Hot Donna for something :P

Friday, December 30, 2011

Bitch please

So this is what pisses me off. Pity parties.  When people throw pity parties for themselves....hey you are going through a stressful time, ya I get that. It's hard to deal with stuff sometimes. Start a journal. Tell a trusted friend. DO SOMETHING. Letting it all bottle up inside of you is a terrible idea.

Not only will it give you a twisted outlook on your life, but maybe it won't let you realize how lucky you are.

We live in America. ya this place is full of capitalist pigs, fake politicians but you are free to do whatever you want (basically)  As a woman, I'm glad that we aren't treated as horrible as women are in other countries. Even if I have to take the occasional "Make me a sandwich," it's definitely not as bad as getting married and then becoming a slave. 

I'm not trying to be all high and mighty, because we all do this. I just want to express my feelings.

-Hot Donna

Friday, December 23, 2011

my guitly pleasure tv show.......The newlywed show. :D

It's a game show for people that are ...newly wed haha

They talk about thing that....newlyweds do :P  *Blush Blush* But I like it.

And the couples try to match there answers. Like the wife/ and hubby try to match. I like it. haha.

-Hot Donna

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Today's lil blogy blog is Fav TV show with awesome soundtrack.

That 70s show. Everyone know the iconic opening song  

"HANGING OUT......."

Anyway, they listen to lots of rocking 70s music, so I guess that's pretty sweet. I don't really know of any other TV shows with sweet sound tracks....Besides survivor :P

I think I am going to watch Pocahontas tomorrow.
-Hot Donna

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

There is no way you can stop

My favorite movie character....hmmm

Deewy Finn in School of Rock.  That character is hilarious.haha He goes to school and gets away with teaching them how to be a band for like a month haha That's awesome. He is one of my fav characters.

Blogs are getting really short :S
-Hot Donna

Monday, December 19, 2011

My favorite movie my favorite Actor.

Lately I have been noticing that I say "I love Jude Law" a lot. SO I will go with him as my favorite actor. 

My Fav movie that he is in is definitely Sherlock Homes (The first one) I haven't seen the second one yet. hopefully I will see that when I go back to the FM area. but yes, I think he is nice to look at and fairly decent at acting haha.

-Hot Donna

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Survivor Tonight.

Sophie better win!

If it's Ozzy or Coach, I will be seriously disappointed.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

So....I hate break. I am just sitting here thinking. DANGEROUS

Of course me being me, I worry about everything, and my over-anaylizing just ruins everything.


I am dying here.   


Friday, December 16, 2011

Favorite movie... Aladdin :)

I love this movie. It's a Disney classic, with love and magic carpets. It's an amazing tale of how a street rat can be loved by the richest woman around. :D

I don't really have a whole bunch to say about this. Oh I know.

Things I look for in a movie
  • Adventrue
  • Plot line.....does it exsist?
  • Explosions
  • Non-cheesy love story
  • Is it based of a book I've read?
I don't really care who is in it that much....but sometimes it's nice to know.

Well now I want to go to the movies.... :)
-Hot Donna

Thursday, December 15, 2011

My favorite book character....

....definitely Hermione from Harry Potter.

She's super smart and loves learning. I think that's really admirable. I wish I could be like that, spending hours just reading random books AND remembering everything that I read. Amazing.

Another reason she is my favorite is because she is so strong. Fighting evil wizards that have tried to kill you several times....psshh that's nothing for her. She may be afraid but she fights for that greater good.

She's loyal. She keeps her word when she promises to help Harry. Even When Ron leaves (the love of her life) she stays to help, because she's strong and you can count on her.

In the books she has bushy hair and isn't a total babe, like she is in the movies. Maybe that's another reason why I like her. She's not perfect, she has big teeth, but a beautiful heart.

-Hot Donna

Monday, December 12, 2011

I feel bad....

...I have kind of lost all motivation to blog. At least on this blog, I don't know...maybe it's because I didn't really get to blog over the summer, who knows. It could be because I don't really have any passionate feelings anymore. That's much more likely, because I don't really hang out with people that piss me off anymore haha.

That's lovely. 

I have noticed that I don't really like hanging out with huge groups of people. It's like overwhelming, Which convo do I listen too? How loud do I have to scream in order for them to listen to my opinion? That's the life of my friends....who talks the loudest. Not to say that if your crying they won't listen to you, because they definitely would.  I guess some people just don't listen all the time. It's really to bad. 

I'm such a huge listening freak, as you know if you read this blog. I mean, it just shows people how much you value them. People love to feel like you care what they have to say. (Proven by the fact that I always talk about this, because I feel this way)

Anyway I am going to do another challenge thing, 

My favorite book in the whole world is Harry Potter. Filled with great adventures, great lessons, and a magical world you can escape to. The plot is great, he defeats Voldy because of love? BOOM! That's wonderful. ya they do witchcraft....but that's not the main focus. This is a story about a boy who had all the odds stacked against him, but came through in the end. It's a wonderful tale.

Just remember to turn on the light
-Hot Donna

Saturday, December 3, 2011


5 Things you would like to do before you die.

1.Kiss in the rain......yes yes cheesy girl want. I don't care. I think it would be super cute :D
2. Ride on top of a double decker London
3. Go to the Olympics (and watch all the events, not participate)
4. Attend a Broadway Play
5. Market for the Minnesota Twins :D