My Blog

Welcome to my page!!!...This should be entertaining :) What a better place for me to ramble on and on about things! I don't know why I didn't do this sooner. I'm so glad that I finally get to be Hot Donna for something :P

Monday, September 26, 2011

If you want to call me baby, just go ahead now.

I wish  my life was more adventurous. Don't get me wrong, I am very thankful for the life I have. Sometimes I just wish that it wasn't so predictable. 

Get up.
Go to school. 
Go to work.
Come home. 
Go to bed.

It's just lame. College is suppose to be the time in our lives where we stay up until 4 on a Monday night just because we can. Or we make random late-night food runs because we are craving Cheetos. Where we run around in the rain and get soaked because we want to kiss in it, or because we love splashing in puddles. Nobody worried about being cold or getting sick, just worried about not having fun.

I always think about living my life to the fullest. We are so lucky to live where we do, that how can we do anything less? 

I'm going to be super honest. I am absolutely terrified for what is going to happen to me after college. I have no idea what the plan is, or if I will even know anybody when I go there. I try not to think about it.
This year I have started this new thing called dating. Laugh if you want, but I am totally a noob. I used to feel super bad about it, but now I've just accepted that I would rather ask than assume I know and look like a fool. hahahaha. 

I have learned to embrace my lack of knowledge. haha.
Today I saw this old couple, they were like 80 years olds, they were walking around and holding hands. It was so adorable. I was thinking about that when I was driving home. I wondered if when old people do that, if they realize how cute it is. Do you think they think things like "haha everyone wishes to be like this when they are this age?" It's probably totally freeing because they don't have to worry about making people feel uncomfortable. Everyone loves seeing things like that because it is so adorable.  I want that for my life.

This is me.
-Hot Donna

Thursday, September 22, 2011

It means no worries!

I have an odd thrill of typing out blogs while I am in class.

Anyway something that I have noticed a lot of lately is that professors are always telling us to be prepare and this is due on this day and blah blah. But Then I feel like every other day they are unprepared. Not that it's a bad thing, I just find it super hilarious that they are constantly telling us to be on top of it, but it's OK when they aren't.

Like the camera check out. They stressed and stressed that they wanted us to be on time to return our cameras. That's fine and all, I get it. Be on time so other people can get theirs. But when they guy that checks them out isn't even on time? I don't know. It just seems lame.
I'm so excited for tonight. I am going to the Lion King, at the movie theater! I get to be a little kid, with my best friend. :D So it's going to be a great time. Haha I'm kinda a nerd.  The Lion King is one of my favorite movies, so I have been looking forward to this for a long time. I was hoping that it would come out on DVD again so I could buy it, but I guess seeing it in theaters will have to do.
I don't really know much more than this. I could talk about how I love baseball....but I seem to do that more than I really should.  :)

Hakuna Matata
-Hot Donna

Monday, September 19, 2011

Is it to much to just start breathing?

So starting to think about the future is kinda scary. I mean I'm currently writing a cover letter for the internship that would put me on the map. Seriously, It's like "Hello, here is your dream right in front of your face and all you have to do to achieve it is this........write the perfect cover letter."


I mean why do I have to be all business like an official? That's so boring. Why can't I just say something like this. CHOOSE ME BECAUSE IT"S MY DREAM. Trust me, I'm qualified! I promise you won't regret it. Let's be real. Anyone else that you hire will be lame, I will actually work hard. This. Is. What. I. Want. To. Do.

I just really really really want this, it's the perfect step on the way to the Big league. BLAH!

In other news, I finally got my guitar back. So that is exciting :D It's brand new... I still don't really know how I feel about that one. It's lovely though. Beautiful. I just need to get used to it.

I want a stuffed animal giraffe
-Hot Donna

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Oh, What would it take?

Well it's been a while since I wrote a blog.

My roommates watch friends all of the time. It has gotten out of control. Every time that I come home, it is on the TV. They have a problem, they have admitted to the problem.... and to think they are only on season 6...only four to go I guess.

I am really upset that I still don't have my guitar. I brought it in a month ago, and I haven't seen it since. It's really depressing, I have to play everyone else's guitar. I MISS MY BABY!
Something disgusting that we humans do is complain a lot about our lives. Maybe it's an American thing actually. probably, taking for granted our freedom and such. Anyway, I was reading my friends status today on facebook and she was talking about all this crap she has to do because she's getting married and has school and an internship and blah blah blah.  All I'm thinking is, most people would die for all of the opportunities that you have right now.

Honestly, I'm sure that I do this too, but I just noticed this today. 

We spend so much time trying to "one up" each other with our complains... "Oh well my birthday is when I have night class."   "Yeah well, my dog died yesterday"   I just wish that I was awesome enough to think things like "Hey how nice is it that I am able to go to college and have a shot at a better paying job."  

I guess being grateful for things we take for granted is a hard thing. 
-Hot Donna

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Don't Read this. Really.

I hate everyone.

Ick. Here you go. This is your sterotypical blog. with ventings about how stupid my life is.

I have realized that I am a person that doens't procrastinate. Why? because I freak out until it's done. Like I could never go to the mall with a project due that night that I haven't finnished. Stupid. And the only reason I'm in the situation is because I'm not smart enough to know how to save stuff. dumb.

In all honesty it will take around five mins for me to film what's due. But that's not how I opperate. I must have things done before they need to be done. That is who I am. I turn in homework, I wouldn't dream of not doing something. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Nobody takes me seriously.

I hate everyone

This is an emo blog I am sorry if you have read it.

Just let me be a diva. We all have moments of being not happy.
-Hot Donna

Thursday, September 1, 2011

You are the only exception.

I was walking to lunch today and I saw this girl with a stripe of color in her hair. Anyway I have always wanted a stripe of purple in my hair. That's one reason I would want to be blonde. Actually that is the only reason I would want blonde hair. So I could easily have color in my hair. (I never want to be blonde)

I am typing this blog at the computer lab in the library, and the key boards are really gross. I wonder how often they clean them, OR if they clean them at all. It's funny because I never would have noticed but the numbers on the keyboard are a different color than the letters haha.

I remember now why I never wanted to take a writing class. I can never get past the intro. I struggle so much with coming up with wonderful ways to word things. I am no good at coming up with all the pointless details for papers. That's why I am Mass Comm- short, sweet, and to the point.

So here I am. Ruining my life.... Why MUST I ALWAYS WORRY! I always over think-everything. I feel so retarded. Why must I be in constant need of affirmation. This is why I want to run far far start getting close to people, and then you always need them to tell you you're amazing. Blah. Talk about needing some attention. WHY can't you be this...why can't you do that....why can't you look like her. It's all retarded. I feel like an attention whore. But if everyone in the world was an acquaintance, then you wouldn't have so much of your heart invested in people. Golly. I can't imagine such a world. DO you think it would be lonely? Probably. Then I wouldn't do anything stupid either.

I always enjoy the innocent moments in life. Watching butterflies dance around in the sky. Or looking at trees to see if they are dying, appreciating them when they are full of life. Times that are so precious you just feel safe in them. Moments were you feel like you could spend the rest of your life in. Moments of people talking about their pets and moments where little boys wave at you from the back of a bicycle. A conversation with your father. I guess it reminds me more than anything else that the simple things in life are truly the most rewarding.

Did you know that it takes 3 or 4 generations of butterflies to migrate to Mexico and back?
-Hot Donna