My Blog

Welcome to my page!!!...This should be entertaining :) What a better place for me to ramble on and on about things! I don't know why I didn't do this sooner. I'm so glad that I finally get to be Hot Donna for something :P

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


I rise from my comfortable log...

side step into the small path and rush along to the wider trek...

i dodge the glares of the elder chiefs,

hoping they don't spot me again walking back and forth on the path.

a sharp turn dashing forward and around the jet out boulder i finally reach the cave....

i push through the brush and now comes the scariest part...

discovering what is behind the branches...

Sometimes i discover hair,

sometimes i discover blood,

other times i find shit..

and once in a nice while...

i find nothing...and then am able to take a nice break.

Monday, November 3, 2014

proud of your boy.

tonight we watched game of thrones... we haven't watched that in like a year haha. Still have a long way to go to catch up. I'm really glad that our families don't force us to marry for power and land and stuff anymore.

Now most people can be like Jasmine "If I do marry, I want it to be for love..."

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Jaming out.

I had my launch party today... I had two parties.... with a total of 5 people.... cool.

It was fun. I forgot the food both times.. lol whoops  I guess now i have a veggie tray to finish haha.

James is playing my assassins creed game. pre gaming for when he gets his xboxone this weekend. lol he's got money to burn now i guess :P

It was hard for him to tell his friend Jake hahaha...

This Jamberry thing is HARD. bleh. I have one sale.

HOW DO I FORCE PEOPLE TO BUY :P lol not force but what to get it. It's really fun...

something to figure out for another day i guess ha.

Stay fresh.
-Hot Donna

Saturday, November 1, 2014

More than a pretty face.

So maybe I'll try this blog everyday the month of november thing. Hopefully I can keep it up.

Dude. you know what bothers me... well a lot of things but recently it's all this Measure One Bullshit.
I literally saw someone say this when talking about abortions.

"I agree with the exception of the pregnancy risking the mother's life who may already be a mommy to other children."

I read this and then my feminist rage kicked in and I would like...  How could you say that! You are flatly saying that women are only meant to have children... like that's all they are good for. You only can have an abortion if you might die, AND if you have other kids...  WHAT THE FUCK!?!

The worst part of the whole thing is the fact that a woman said this... oh my god.

How can we except these things?! Why are women saying these things?! 

Bleh. hopefully this doesn't turn into a month of feminist rage.