My Blog

Welcome to my page!!!...This should be entertaining :) What a better place for me to ramble on and on about things! I don't know why I didn't do this sooner. I'm so glad that I finally get to be Hot Donna for something :P

Sunday, July 31, 2011

I like walking in rain.

Today, I was looking at old 90s music videos and I realized how lame some of them are. I was looking at a bunch of boy bands videos. The videos didn't even have a story, all they did was sing there song and then dance around in different locations. It was like "hey we are attractive and we know it. We are so confident in our good looks that we aren't going to be creative and have a plot for our music videos, we will just stand around and dance in front of different things."  It was pretty hilarious though. 

As I age I look more and more at my childhood and at how different it was then. I mean nowadays kids are just getting cell phones out of the womb. Me, I had to wait until I was 16! Goodness and if you are a blessed (yes i said Blessed) kid to have to wait for your cell phone, you sit and complain about how you don't have one. Man kids these days ;)
It is the last week of camp and I am ready for it to be done. I miss school (crazy, I know). I'm ready to be responsible for only myself. It shall be a great feeling I am sure.
I kinda want to get into yoga. I will have to take a class on it. I want to at least try it, I think it would be a blast :) 

Tell me a Harry Potter pickup line
-Hot Donna

Friday, July 22, 2011

Stand up now, get up off the ground.

I was wasting time mindlessly surfing the Internet, and I stumbled upon this weird quote.  

"Love is a Condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own."

It's funny, I have spent my entire summer striving to not let the happiness of other people determine my own happiness. What this quote says to me, is that you love someone if - they are happy, you are happy... Like you would then put all your effort into making this person happy, because then you are twistedly making yourself happy?       I guess I still don't really understand what I need to do.
I wonder how much the people on E news actually make. Do they make a legit amount of money bashing all the celebrities and talking about how people's gowns suck?

I realize that I demand fairness. This summer, it has become very clear to me that if something is unfair (at least toward me) I get super upset. I haven't really decided if that's just because I've become self-absorbed and just want what is best for me or if I actually want it to be fair for everyone. 

Looking to discover myself
-Hot Donna

Monday, July 18, 2011

There's only one thing left to do. Drop all I have and go with you.

hmm Well I am ready to go back to moorhead and see my friends. It's really weird because you would think camp is a good place to go and unwind....but in reality I just feel super stressed out all the time. Don't ask me why I don't really know. Do you think that happens for lots of people? Like "yes i'm unhappy but i'm not really sure why." Maybe I'm crazy. I miss the Dairy Queen.

I went to the new Harry Potter movie. Fantastic! So amazingly good, I was very pleased. 

Do you ever feel like you can't express how much you actually like a specific thing because you don't want people to think you are coping them? I guess that goes against my hope to not care what people think, but still. I want to like some random thing that doesn't matter just as much as the next person.  I want to have a favorite line in the movie....maybe it's the same as yours.

The other day I was wondering how life would be if we didn't all stare at the ground as we would walk. If we all walked with our heads up would we be a more confidence species? Maybe we would all appreciate the beauty of the world more. We could be leading happier lives possibly. 

I love baseball
-Hot Donna

Friday, July 8, 2011

Why does our brokenness keep whispering

Something I think is important to remember for a happy life.

Accepting the fact that sometimes you just need to do things to make yourself happy. Living your life to please your friends will just end up with you being cranky and old in the end. Doing things because you want to will let you truly live your life. I know I don't want to look back at my life and say that I was terribly unhappy, but at least everyone liked me. My prayer is that people will still love you even if you do for yourself once and a while.

Another thing that I think is rewarding is being Brave. Seriously. Take some random risk and then you will feel awesome about it. It's time that people just stand up and do things, instead of being scared. I am someone who is basically scared of everything stupid. So I'm making a pledge to overcome my silly fears. 

I LOVE french bread. It's so yummy and tasty. It's good that I don't eat it all the time or else I would gain like 1000 pounds. hehehe I wonder what it would be like to live where you could eat as much as you wanted and never gain any weight. Like if everyone lived this way. Would we be eating all the time? Would people make contests out of it? bahaha but then nobody would lose because they could eat forever. Food probably wouldn't taste as good if we were always eating. 

Remember you are strong, You are Brave.
-Hot Donna

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Walks will haunt.

I finally made it to target field today! It was fabulous. :) Although it was super hot, I loved every second. I am some kind of freak female, actually liking baseball. I feel weirdly at peace there... at baseball fields i mean. My favorite times there are when I'm there by myself and I can go stand on the pitchers mound and pitcher screaming fans.... I do weird things haha

Of course they did that kiss cam business. And then someone proposed :) I always enjoy when that happens.

Everyone needs something to be passionate about right? For example My sister is really into dance, so whenever she needs an escape she just runs off and dances. How cool is that? I think we all have something kind of like that. Something to be excited about. 

My paranoia with other people driving has reached its peak. About three weeks ago this super crazy thing happened, and now I am always freaking out when other people drive long distances....meh Not GOOD. but It's really hard for me to not worry about it. Hopefully in time that will go away.

Holding out for a hero
-Hot Donna