My Blog

Welcome to my page!!!...This should be entertaining :) What a better place for me to ramble on and on about things! I don't know why I didn't do this sooner. I'm so glad that I finally get to be Hot Donna for something :P

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

It's you and me forever, It's you and me right now.

Something that I always think is entertaining. This is my third year of college right? And I've just noticed, that sometimes the drama we are dealing with it's like a flashback to high school. For real, it's lame. I wonder if some of it could be avoided by people just minding their own business. 

Well, it's that time of year again. School Time. Now that I'm an upper-class men, all I think about is that I'm almost done with college. That totally scared me, I don't know what I'm going to do with my life. I'm guessing that it's a normal thing to feel. 

I went to check on my guitar the other day. And it turns out that what was wrong with it is covered under warranty, so I may be getting a brand new guitar for free. I'm a little sad about this though, because it will be a different look and such and plus Lincoln(my guitar) and I have been through a bunch together. I don't know, it's the girl coming out in me haha.

OH! I wanted to post my updated cool word list.
Brothel. Sultry. Squabble. Portal. Squid. Chafe. Sheath. Swallow. Pickle. Pamphlet. Potpourri. Kinky. Fabulous. Concoction. Oops. Flesh. Nunnery. Raunchy. Lips.Sleazy. Oblivion. Peach. Duration. Dungeon. Serendipitous. Tinkle.Booger. Menagerie. Sass. Doily. Cajon. Scuttle. Janky. Nipple. Douche. Preposterous. Equipped. Cheeks. Feisty. Thug. Wicked. Parchment. Blasphemy. Smashing. Mollycoddle. Saucy. Binky. Groan. Brisk. Coitus. Exquisite. Gunk. Bequeath. Jamboree. Passionate. Osculate. Pep. Womb. Brazier.Adulteress. Scampering. Premiere. Hokey. Whims. Puny. Majestic. Crisp. Floozy. Silly.

Life is beautiful
-Hot Donna

Sunday, August 14, 2011

She's got that D.I.V.A. thing

So ever since I have been done with camp. I have been sitting around doing a whole lot of nothing. Well of course Facebook was created for people like me. So I have been looking around at my friends stuff and stuff. I've noticed some things about facebook that bother me. Or that I totally ignore.

For example. I think it's just dumb when people have their profile picture as them kissing someone. I mean really, I'm glad you are happy. But that's just shouting LOOK AT ME! We are so special. Exception. If it is a photo at your wedding that doesn't really bother me then. It's usually just cute.  Well actually it only really bothers me if you are taking these pictures yourself.

Emo song lyric status. They are so lovely. I must assume they are of course directed at someone. And then I always wondering what's going on in their lives to why they feel this way.

Bible Verse Status.  Sorry Friends, but I never read these... my apologies.
I wonder if after a summer of working with little children I have lost all patience. I just feel like I can't deal with peoples humor anymore. It's actually really sad, because I hate being rude to people and I feel like that is something that is seriously happening. 
I don't want to be the diva that always has to be the boss. I just wish people knew when to quit. Like maybe if we always didn't have to be right. The world would be happier. I probably need to accept that too. But imagine if nobody had any pride and we all honestly considered that the other person could be right....  

Or if nobody argued over stupid things that don't matter at all, just for the sake of being right. 

I have probably started arguing back to try and show reason, but there is really no point to do this. They aren't going to change. I should stop taking things so personally.

I can tie a cherry stem with my tongue.
-Hot Donna

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Face the Rain

I feel oddly happy right now. So I thought, Hey what a hilarious blog this would make ha, so here goes. I noticed that these two friends on facebook started dating right? And I'm just super happy about it. Which is really interesting because I have probably talked to these people a total of 5 times. It's crazy, because why should this affect me so much? I am not really sure, but I think it's great.

Well now camp is over and I don't really know how I feel. I don't really know what I have learned or what I have gained. I do know that I am ready to move back to school. but camp is always a fun experience. Unless you are my father who apparently had some scarring experience that he won't ever tell me about. If you have an opportunity to work at a camp, do it. It will change your outlook on life. Very rewarding, plus I have met some of my best friend while working at camp.

I was talking to my friend the other day and as I was listening to her thoughts on lots of things. I realized how much our opinions differ. I thought that was cool because it's awesome that we can have such different feelings on things but still be best friends. I don't know, maybe I'm just a dork, but I thought that was pretty special haha.

This is where I start to pointlessly babble about my life.

......The Twins.......Ugh

I have noticed a pattern about them. It seems to me that whenever I'm about to be around friends from school, they just start being horrible. (Obviously I'm being very selfish about this entire topic) "Oh hey guys, we all know that HotDonna will be away from civilization for a few months, so lets plot to do well when she's away from the world. Then the second that she can come back to the real world we will start losing again, so then all of her friends can talk to her about how much we suck"  Ick. I love you to the end Twins, but really? Do me a favor.

Since it's time to start going back to school it's time for me to organize my room.  It's rough dudes. Because our basement has flooded there is no room for me to start working  on this project. I'm sure lots of folk are having trouble with this. It's just not a fun time. I don't think I have enough time to do it all haha.

Do it for love
-Hot Donna