My Blog

Welcome to my page!!!...This should be entertaining :) What a better place for me to ramble on and on about things! I don't know why I didn't do this sooner. I'm so glad that I finally get to be Hot Donna for something :P

Monday, October 31, 2011


Tell us about the last person who hurt you...

Wow. Man this requires some thinking. Here is a lame, but honest answer.

I know I know, what a lame answer, but really it's true. I have been working in a environment where i have been miserable. It has really taken a toll on my life. I have lost all patience with people, I seem to get angry about things really easily and I need time to breathe. I put so much effort into pleasing everyone else, that sometime I forget to worry about myself and my needs as well.

Maybe I'm a little selfish, but I am finally looking out for myself. Sometimes, you just have to do that type of thing.

I Like words that are italicized.
-Hot Donna

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Be Bold.

5 Things you dislike about yourself/ want to change and why...

Here we go

Well One thing is I seem to be really quick to anger. At least lately, it's like all my patience has gone out the door. I want to change that because it seems like I take out my anger on other people, which is something I don't know want to know.

2. I feel like I'm afraid to take risks. I always talk about how I want to live my life to the fullest, but then when the moment comes....I bail. LAME

3. I'm scared to drive through the drive-through.... That needs to change.

4. I guess like every female I wish that I was in better shape/liked my body more.

5. I wish I prayed more.

I love murder mysteries :)
-Hot Donna

Saturday, October 29, 2011


Today's is "your current relationship status and how happy you are about it."


Well I'm in a relationship. It's pretty great, I like him a lot. Sorry to those of you who don't want to read about this but this is what the survey thing is telling me to do.

I am really blessed. He is my best friend...we do weird things like watch baseball together. Watch cars race under bridges....we are pretty weird.

Short answer, I am SO happy about it. :D

I tried not to gush to much haha
-Hot Donna

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Today is "tell us about the last person to text you".

That person's name is Allison. She was one of my best friends in high school. We got each other through a lot of crap. It was a miracle when we decided to go to the same college. (we each individually choose) Then we could look out for each other you know? haha good times.

I remember when we were really little we took a bunch of pictures on her trampoline. That was exciting.

She has brown hair and is short :P She knows sign language...She is pretty legit.

I wish we hung out more....but alas...that's how life goes.

People are busy
-Hot Donna

Monday, October 24, 2011


Well... today's questions is your opinion on your body and how comfortable you are with it.

haha These questions are really weird. I guess I'm a huge supporter of loving your body for what it is, because you don't realize how easy it is to manipulate a picture. (trust me, I've done it. I know) Nobody on earth looks like the models in ads or how great they look on tv.

Don't get me wrong. I have my moments just like everyone does. A moment where we need someone to tell us that we look pretty or moments that we need our roomies to help us pick out shoes that will make our outfit.

As for how comfortable I am in it.....well that really depends. haha Honestly it depends on how much clothes I'm wearing. If I'm in a sweater and jeans...Total confidence :).... If I'm wearing a swimsuit....that number goes down greatly.  haha Or it may depend on stupid things like if my legs are shaved or not. :P

I love when my legs are just shaved hahaha
-Hot Donna

Sunday, October 23, 2011


5 things you like about yourself/ think your good at.
That's what today's thing is.

Well I think I'm pretty good at playing guitar.
My eyes are pretty fun looking
I am definately good at making mac n cheese
I like that I have lots of converse.
I like that I like harry potter.

There you have it!

Hope this isn't boring for ya'll. :)
-Hot Donna

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Today is the subject you love most in school/college and why?

Well I love learning about Advertising :P

I think it's super interesting, plus I like the idea of commercials that I make being on TV. Or seeing my ad's on a billboard. I like the creative process and have a lot of fun doing it.

I am an AD NERD :)
-Hot Donna

Friday, October 21, 2011

4. four is write a note to each of your ex's.........hmmm.. Well that doesn't really work for me. hahaha.

I'll write a note.

Dear America.

Stop making healthy food more expensive...Don't cut music/arts programs, because not everyone is cut out to be a sports star... Women CAN be sports announcers. Don't think just because I'm a woman I cook for you, I cook for you, because I love you. Stop telling little girls they need to be like celebs to be loved...and tell them they are beautiful.

Love me.
-Hot Donna

Thursday, October 20, 2011

3. I love Converse.

Well Today is the 5 most memorable things that happened to you in 2011...

Well....1. I had my first boyfriend...I think that's pretty memorable haha, people you remember you know :)

2. I finally went to Target Field. I love the Twins, so it was the a good time :)

3. I went to Panama City Beach for spring break....I know what you are thinking....PARTY!!!!   Well it was a party, but contrary to popular belief I didn't drink a single drop of alcohol when I was down there. yay Big Break :D

4. It hasn't happened yet BUT I turn 21 five days.

5. I worked at Camp this summer.

In five days I will have successfully never drank underage...
-Hot Donna

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

2 day.

Well day two is list lyrics for how you feel right now.

Maybe Ill include a video too... :)

Hmm...well i'm in a really blah mood...But I love this song.. It always makes me feel i'm gonna post that instead.

"If you just hold my hand, baby I promise that I'll do all I can, things will get better if you just hold my hand, nothing can come between us if you just hold my, hold my hand."

I just found out that Micheal Jackson originally sang this...which makes it even better :)
-Hot Donna

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

30 day challenge....

1. Look up your horoscope and tell us how accurate you think it is...

Oh goody!

Today's planetary aspects may have you experiencing a little cabin fever. If you have the urge to go off by yourself for a while, do so. Try a new diversion. Drive down a country road you've never explored. Find some antique shops. You probably need a break from your daily routine. You'll feel revitalized.

Well I can definetely tell you that I need a break from daily routine. I will be the first person to tell you that I think my life is super predictable. I always feel lame about that because I am in college and I think that I should be out living life more. while I have the chance you know? 

Maybe I'll go somewhere after class tonight.... 

-Hot Donna

Thursday, October 13, 2011

People are brave

Some people just have guts....

I'm sitting in the library lab, and all of a sudden this guy starts talking about how Jesus saved his life and how he wants everyone to consider Jesus to be their own savior... Wow. Talk about guts.  I'm probably a bad person for thinking it wasn't very effective. 

I feel bad because I think a lot of people were just laughing at him, not really listening to him... Maybe they were just shocked that someone would get up in front of all the people and say that stuff.. I kinda am. 

As I looked around, I realized that people weren't even looking up at him, most people were just staring at their computer screens. Maybe they had their headphones in, I admit, I did and I didn't catch everything he said. I only heard the end.

I have a lot of respect for that guy. 

It's good to know that people are still willing to do that kind of stuff.
-Hot Donna.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

They don't serve breakfast in hell.

I am so glad that it is fall breather.

Everyone was in need of this break. All of the people I have talked to recently really needed this break. It's funny because I'm pretty sure that I have enough homework to do to keep me busy during this "break time" It's almost like I don't really get one haha.

I don't really think anybody reads this blog anymore... I almost thought of getting rid of it and starting over...but that would probably be silly. Maybe I just don't have passionate thoughts to talk about on here anymore...who knows.

tumblr......WOAH I didn't think you would be able to say that word on here :P because it's like the enemy blog. How do these blogs make money? I bet there are some weird features somewhere that you pay for. I just don't know about them. ha. Maybe I should monetize my blog....not that it sees a lot of traffic. You never know.

So. I am lame. And my birthday is coming up. And every year I try not to get excited about it just to see if people remember when it is....But I always fail haha. It's just because I'm really excited about it. haha I always look forward to that day :) Sadly, this 21 is on a Tuesday...and I have night class that day :( LAME! Oh well.

-Hot Donna

Sunday, October 2, 2011

I remember roaming calves and branding them with iron and coping with the wind and driving rain and prairie fire.

Well Twins baseball is now over. I'm really sad about this, I love sitting down and watching the Twins. Now that's done. It's playoff time now! This excites me because it means it's almost time for  my world series party! All of the games, I will have a party. I am making  it a priority to watch all of the world series games this season. I probably won't care very much who wins, but I still want to watch.
Drama. Stupid.
I thought we graduated high school. Nobody is here to hold your hand anymore, get used to the real world.
SO I don't remember if I talked about this or not, but I finally saw Relient K in concert! :) It was so awesome. I have wanted to see them in concert for like five years. I LOVE them, it was fabulous. I was watching it with good company. The last song was my favorite song ever. It was amazing because I finally got to sing all my weird harmony parts with the live band :)  It was so great! The only bad part was they sang a lot of their newer songs and people don't really like then as much as the older songs.

(Above I have provided my favorite song, put to pokemon pictures. I was looking around on youtube today, and I stumbled upon this version of the song.  Relient K music while pokemon pictures play in front of it. I think it is hilarious.)

In the words of Matt: "What was going through this person's mind when they made this. Do they really have nothing better to do. It would be one this if the pictures actually went with the song but they don't. It's Stupid.

I went to Cabaret. I was super uncomfortable. The funny part is all the sexual scenes didn't bother me as much as all the Nazi's did. It was just horrible. I mean the cast did an excellent job, but man the show just really made me feel weird. ooh Theatre. Why must you always be so controversial.

Just remember, if you give a moose a muffin, it'll ask for more (courtesy of the dating tip jar)
-Hot Donna